Research article
Utilization of Eucheuma cottonii and Sargassum crassifoliumin Sago Cookies to Increase Iodine Levels of Rattus novergicus
Pemanfaatan Eucheuma cottonii dan Sargassum crassifolium dalam Cookies Sagu untuk meningkatkan Kadar Iodium Tikus (Rattus novergicus)
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Disorders due to iodine deficiency (GAKI) are very serious nutrit ional problems, because they affect the survival and quality of human resources. The effect that is well known to people due to lack of iodine is goiter, suffering from mental disability, namely midget, mute, deafness, and mental disorders. Central Maluku Regency has a very high IDD prevalence rate, which is 33.39%. The strategy is to reduce the search for local food alternatives such as seaweed. Seaweed contains high iodine and can be consumed to prevent iodine deficiency. Central Maluku Regency has abundant and high quality seaweed, but the level of consumption directly by the people as food is still low, thus it is necessary to develop food technology that utilizes seaweed to produce snack / snack products such as cookies. Cookies are generally made from raw flour but can be replaced by using sago flour which is rich in carbohydrates (starch). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the type and concentration of seaweed in sago cookies on iodine levels of rats (Rattus norvegicus). The results showed that rats given iodine standard rations had iodine levels with moderate deficiency, and mice given adequate iodine ration had normal iodine levels. The results also showed that the administration of ration cookies containing Sargassum crassifolium 20%, 30%, and 40%, as well as Eucheuma cottonii 30% and 40% could increase rat iodine levels to be optimal. Hypothesis test results showed that the treatment of seaweed type and concentration in the ration of cookies had a significant effect on rat iodine levels. The interaction of types of Sargassum crassifolium 40% was more influential in increasing rat iodine levels. Based on the results of this study it is recommended: Cultivation needs to be developed especially on the types of Eucheuma cottonii and Sargassum crassifoliumin the Central Maluku Regency.Disorders due to iodine deficiency (GAKI) are very serious nutritional problems, because they affectthe survival and quality of human resources. The effect that is well known to people due to lack of iodine isgoiter, suffering from mental disability, namely midget, mute, deafness, and mental disorders. Central MalukuRegency has a very high IDD prevalence rate, which is 33.39%. Thestrategy is to reduce the search for localfood alternatives such as seaweed. Seaweed contains high iodine and can be consumed to prevent iodinedeficiency. Central Maluku Regency has abundant and high quality seaweed, but the level of consumptiondirectly by the people as food is still low, thus it is necessary to develop food technology that utilizes seaweed toproduce snack / snack products such as cookies. Cookies are generally made from raw flour but can be replacedby using sago flour which is rich in carbohydrates (starch). The purpose of this study was to determine theeffect of the type and concentration of seaweed in sago cookies on iodine levels of rats (Rattus norvegicus). Theresults showed that rats given iodine standard rations had iodine levels with moderate deficiency, and micegiven adequate iodine ration had normal iodine levels. The results alsoshowed that the administration of rationcookies containing Sargassum crassifolium 20%, 30%, and 40%, as well as Eucheuma cottonii 30% and 40%could increase rat iodine levels to be optimal. Hypothesis test results showed that the treatment of seaweed typeand concentration in the ration of cookies had a significant effect onrat iodine levels. The interaction of types ofSargassum crassifolium 40% was more influential in increasing rat iodine levels. Based on the results of thisstudy it is recommended: Cultivation needs to be developed especially on the types of Eucheuma cottonii andSargassum crassifolium in the Central Maluku Regency.
Gangguan akibat kekurangan iodium (GAKI) merupakan masalah gizi yang sangat serius, karena berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup dan kualitas sumber daya manusia. Efek yang sangat dikenal orang akibat kekurangan iodium adalah gondok (goiter), menderita kecacatan mental, yakni cebol, bisu, tuli, dan kelainan mental. Kabupaten Maluku Tengah memiliki angka prevalensi GAKI sangat tinggi, yaitu 33,39%. Strategi yang dilakukan untuk menurunkan yakni dicarinya alternatif pangan lokal seperti rumput laut. Rumput laut mengandung iodium yang tinggi dan dapat dikonsumsi untuk mencegah kekurangan iodium. Kabupaten Maluku Tengah memiliki potensi rumput laut yang melimpah dan berkualitas, akan tetapi tingkat konsumsi secara langsung oleh masyarakat sebagai bahan pangan masih rendah, dengan demikian perlu pengembangan teknologi pangan yang memanfaatkan rumput laut untuk menghasilkan produk makanan selingan/jajanan seperti cookies. Cookies umumnya terbuat dari bahan baku tepung terigu namun dapat digantikan dengan memanfaatkan tepung sagu yang kaya akan karbohidrat (pati). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis dan konsentrasi rumput laut dalam cookies sagu terhadap kadar iodium tikus (Rattus norvegicus). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tikus yang diberikan ransum standar kurang iodium memiliki kadar iodium berkategori defisiensi sedang, dan tikus yang diberi ransum cukup iodium memiliki kadar iodium normal. Hasil Penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ransum cookies yang mengandung Sargassum crassifolium 20%, 30%, dan 40%, juga Eucheuma cottonii 30% dan 40% dapat meningkatkan kadar iodium tikus menjadi optimal. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan jenis dan konsentrasi rumput laut dalam ransum cookies serta berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar iodium tikus. Interaksi jenis Sargassum crassifolium 40% lebih berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan kadar iodium tikus. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini disarankan: Perlu dikembangkan pembudidayaannya terutama pada jenis Eucheuma cottonii dan Sargassum crassifolium di Kabupaten Maluku tengah.
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UMMU Ternate
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26 October 2018 -
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26 November 2018
Fisheries; Fisheries Science
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