Research article
Financial Analysis of Organic Palm Seeds and Fuli (Myristica fragrans Houtt) (Case Study on Home Industri Galela Jaya) in Dokulamo Village, North Halmahera Dsitrict
Analisis Finansial Pengolahan Biji dan Fuli Pala (Myristica fragrans Houtt) Organik (Studi Kasus pada Home Industri Galela Jaya) di Desa Dokulamo Kabupaten Halmahera Utara
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Nutmeg is one of the mainstay potential export commodities of the North Maluku regional government, as a source of economic growth and regional income. To be able to maintain and enhance the role of the processing industry sector in national development, efforts are needed to determine the economic value of processed products. This study aims to analyze the processing of organic nutmeg at Galela Jaya Home Industry in Dokulamo Village, North Halmahera Regency. Analyzing financially organic nutmeg at Galela Jaya Home Industry in Dokulamo Village, North Halmahera Regency, using investment feasibility criteria, namely NPV, B/C ratio, IRR, PBP and qualitatively using seed processing and nutmeg mace. Based on the results of the analysis it can be said that the seed processing and nutmeg business carried out by the Galela Jaya Home Industry is feasible because it can provide benefits to the company, from the results of the analysis of financial feasibility at an interest rate of 9%, NPV is Rp. The amount of IDR 1 will provide a benefit of IDR 5%. The value of IRR is obtained at a value of Rp 115.16%, and the importance of the criteria for the investment return period (Playback Period) is obtained at Galela Jaya Home Industry for about 1 year.Nutmeg is one of the mainstay potential export commodities of the North Maluku regionalgovernment, as a source of economic growth and regional income. To be able to maintain and enhance the roleof the processing industry sector in national development, efforts are needed to determine the economic value ofprocessed products. This study aims to analyze the processing of organic nutmeg at Galela Jaya Home Industryin Dokulamo Village, North Halmahera Regency. Analyzing financially organic nutmeg at Galela Jaya HomeIndustry in Dokulamo Village, North Halmahera Regency, using investment feasibility criteria, namely NPV,B/C ratio, IRR, PBP and qualitatively using seed processing and nutmeg mace. Based on the results of theanalysis it can be said that the seed processing and nutmegbusiness carried out by the Galela Jaya HomeIndustry is feasible because it can provide benefits to the company, from the results of the analysis of financialfeasibility at an interest rate of 9%, NPV is Rp. The amount of IDR 1 will provide a benefit of IDR 5%. Thevalue of IRR is obtained at a value of Rp 115.16%, and the importance of the criteria for the investment returnperiod (Playback Period) is obtained at Galela Jaya Home Industry for about 1 year
Pala merupakan salah satu komoditas eskpor potensial andalan pemerintah daerah Maluku Utara, sebagai sumber pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pendapatan daerah tersebut.Untuk dapat mempertahankan dan meningkatkan peran sektor industri pengolahan dalam pembangunan nasional, diperlukan upaya untuk mengetahui nilai ekonomi produk olahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis usaha pengolahan pala organik pada Home Industri Galela Jaya di Desa Dokulamo Kabupaten Halmahera Utara. Menganalisis finansial pala organik Pada Home Industri Galela Jaya di Desa Dokulamo Kabupaten Halmahera Utara, dengan menggunakan kriteria kelayakan investasi, yaitu NPV, B/C ratio, IRR, PBP dan kualitatif yaitu menggunakan pengolahan biji dan fuli pala. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat dikatakan bahwa usaha pengolahan biji dan fuli pala yang dilaksanakan oleh Home Industri Galela Jaya layak untuk dilaksanakan karena dapat memberikan keuntungan pada perusahaan, dari hasil analisis kelayakan finansial pada tingkat bunga 9% diperoleh nilainya NPV sebesar Rp 3,362,751,502. Perhintungan sebesar Rp 1 akan memberikan manfaat sebesar Rp 5%. Perhinttungan IRR diperoleh nilai sebesar Rp 115,16%, dan perhintungan kriteria masa pengembalian investasi (Playback Period) diperoleh waktu pada Home Industri Galela Jaya sekitar 1 Tahun.
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UMMU Ternate
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26 October 2018 -
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26 November 2018
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