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Volume 13 Issue 2, December 2020

Credit cover image by: Rochmady

Review Article(53 articles)

  • Seaweed is one of the important marine commodities and is a leading commodity. Seaweed K. alvarezii is a type of carrageenan-producing seaweed, as a food source for humans, pharmaceutical ingredients, as a thickener, stabilizer and emulsion.Carrageenan is used in food products, pharmaceuticals, textile cosmetics, toothpaste and other industries. Seaweed has a fairly complete nutritional content. Chemically seaweed consists of water (27.8%), protein (5.4%), carbohydrate (33.3%), fat (8.6%), crude fiber (3%), and ash (22.5%). This review article aims to reveal the nutritional composition of seaweed K. alvarezii, especially protein, amino acids, fat, ash content, minerals and vitamins. Seaweed  K. alvarezii has nutritional composition values such as protein, amino acids, fat, ash content, minerals and vitamins that vary in nutritional value.

    • Siti KhotijahSitiKhotijah
    • Muhammad IrfanMuhammadIrfan
    • Fatma MuchdarFatmaMuchdar
    Review Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 139-146
  • One type of marine ornamental fish that can be developed through cultivation is betok Ambon fish. Cultivation of this fish is quite profitable, and easy to maintain. To maintain the sustainability and sustainability of Betok Ambon fish farming, one way to take is to understand and know the growth and reproduction aspects of this type of fish through the provision of inferent hormones appropriately. Review article This aims to reveal the role of the inferent hormone on the aspects of reproduction and growth of Betok Ambon fish. Reproduction is the reproduction process in living things including Betok Ambon fish. The number of eggs produced by Betok Ambon fish varies between 900 and 3,500. Inferent hormone is one type of reproductive hormone that functions to spur and accelerate the level of gonad maturity in animals including fish. The determination of the inferent hormone dosage is based on the determination of the inferent dose in fish, generally around 10 mg - 80 mg or about 0.1 ml - 0.8 ml. Generally, fish that are given inferent hormone at a dose of 40-60 mg / l can increase the gonad maturity index by 25%, in betok Ambon fish by 30%. Inferent hormone doses around 20-40 mg can increase the growth and survival of ambon betok fish.

    • Melani AndiMelaniAndi
    • Muhammad IrfanMuhammadIrfan
    • Juharni JuharniJuharni
    Review Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 160-167
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Common Service Article(53 articles)

  • The Community Partnership Program of livestock farmer groups in Doyado Village, East Tidore District, Tidore Islands City, is a community service activity aimed at handling cow manure in Doyado Village, which is currently quite abundant in number but not well managed, so it has the potential to pollute the environment. The purpose of this activity is also to introduce organic fertilizer processing technology and familiarize the use of organic fertilizers to farmer groups in Doyado Village, who have been using cow dung without prior treatment. The methods of implementation include socialization and training, opinion polls through questionnaires, organic fertilizer processing demonstration plots, and focus group discussions. Group discussions were held to discuss the results and equalize perceptions for all participants in the process of making organic fertilizers. Through this activity, cow manure can be used by farmer groups to become organic fertilizer and during this activity can provide organic fertilizer and provide additional income for farmer groups.

    • Said HasanSaidHasan
    • Yusnaini YusnainiYusnaini
    • Yusri SapsuhaYusriSapsuha
    Common Service Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 182-186
  • Realizing minimum service standards in the food sector is the responsibility of the Government in general, and the Government of Central Halmahera Regency in particular. Various efforts have been made, among others, through the approach of implementing "local wisdom" on food. The local wisdom in question is a culture passed down from generation to generation by the community that sago (Metroxylon sago Rottb) is the staple food after kasbi (cassava / Manihot esculenta Crantz), betatas (sweet potato / Ipomoea batatas L), banana (Musa paradisiaca L) , and maize (Zea mays L). However, in the end all of them have become alternative foods, replaced by rice (Oriza sativa L.). There are socio-cultural values   contained therein that want to be preserved through this study. This study is a descriptive subjective which tries to integrate between intuitive experience and an understanding of the opportunities that exist The essence of local wisdom to food based on several previous studies and studies shows that there are other values   that accompany it, namely the realization of food security in the area concerned, this is shown by the results of research by Tuti Gantini (2016). which states that “vulnerability to food insecurity with local wisdom is smaller than on vulnerability to food insecurity without local wisdom ”. According to Tupan (2014), "One of the efforts to increase the acceleration of the movement to diversify food consumption in order to achieve food security is to restore the diversification pattern of food consumption that has taken root in society as local wisdom" According to Soerjani (2005) in Marcus J. Pattinama (2009). ), by exploring and developing local wisdom, it can not only be relieving, but can also be avoided (preventing) due to the large amount of resources for the next generation. The results of the study here ultimately point to the efforts that need to be done, namely: (1). Preserving Local Wisdom and Culture on Food, (2). Collaborating skills with local wisdom on food, (3). Focus on cultivating selected superior commodities, (4). Capacity and capability enhancement, and (5). Synergy, integrity, communication and collaboration between related agencies. From the results of this study, it is hoped that the Regional Government as a stakeholder should be consistent and committed to implementing these efforts

    • Maman Abdurachman F.MamanAbdurachman F.
    Common Service Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 358-368
  • The business group which is become the target of this activity is a group of processing and selling enbal (cassava) in Ibra village, Southeast Maluku regency. This group has been producing for more than 10 years but there are still many shortage, especially in the way of press along with the sanitize and hygiene of the production process. The purpose of this activity is to increase the efficiency in production process by applying screw press equipment and improving sanitation and hygiene in its production. The method of implementing activities uses discussion and training techniques. The activity is carried out in three stages, firstly survey on condition and discussion with partners relates to the conditions of producing pressing enbal, secondly the manufacture of pressing tools, third is the application of pressing tools in production activities of partners. The results of the activity showed that the screw press was able to produce enough water of enbal / grated cassava so that it is drier than the traditional method. Press time becomes faster which only 12-15 minutes, whereas in the traditional way it takes 14-24 hours. The content of enbal’s water decreases very low, reaching 5-7%, the sanitation becomes better because the juice is no longer stagnant on the ground but is collected in a bucket, and the use of pressing tools is very practical. Likewise the HCN level is very low, less than 3mg / kg so the product is very safe for consumption. This screw press is very helpful in the efficiency of the production process of plate enbal (cassava plates) which is cleaner and healthier.

    • Ismael MarasabessyIsmaelMarasabessy
    • Fien SudirjoFienSudirjo
    • Syahibul K. HamidSyahibulK.Hamid
    • Yuni IrmawatyYuniIrmawaty
    Common Service Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 378-383
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Research Article(53 articles)

  • Seagrass Ecotourism is a tourism activities based on the ecosystem of seagrass. Component of seagrass consist of vegetation and biota that associated with the seagrass. The purpose of this research is to understand the condition biophysics of seagrass (Types of seagrass, Cover of seagrass, fish, makrozoobenthos, types of substrat, water brightness, the depth of the seagrass) and to establish the suitability of seagrass to support nautical ecotourism. This research have been done in Sibu island, Guraping village, north oba district, Tidore city for 6 month from April – September 2020. The method that used is a survey method consist of direct measuring of types seagrass, cover of seagrass, fish, makrozoobenthos, types of substrat, water brightness, the depth of the seagrass. The data analysis includes percentage of cover seagrass and the suitability index of seagrass ecotourism. The result of the biophysical study were obtained are 8 types of seagrass, cover of seagrass (51,04- 92,71%), fish (12 types), makrozoobenthos (17 types), brightness (77-100%), substart (sand, muddy sand, mud) flow speed (0,01- 0,06 m/dt) and the depth of the seagrass (1-2,5 m). Sibu island could be developed as a region of Seagrass Ecotourism with index suitability tourism (IKW) station 1,3,4 and for the whole are located in category S1 (very suitable) and station 2 is in the suitable category.

    • Salim AbubakarSalimAbubakar
    • Riyadi SuburRiyadiSubur
    • Rina RinaRina
    • Masykhur Abdul KadirMasykhurAbdulKadir
    • Mesrawaty SabarMesrawatySabar
    • Darmawaty DarmawatyDarmawaty
    • Nebuchadnezzar AkbarNebuchadnezzarAkbar
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 147-159
  • Suckermouth catfish (Pterygoplichthys pardalis) is a type of foreign fish (South America) which is prohibited from entering Indonesia because it can endanger ecosystems and the aquatic environment by its invasive nature. The existence of janitor fish threatens the sustainability of the endemic fish of Tempe Lake in Wajo Regency. Until now, there has been no study regarding the quality and food safety for the use of suckermouth catfish in the regency. This study aims to analyzed the heavy metal content of lead (Pb), mercury (Hg) and arsenic (As) of janitor fish in Wajo Regency. Samples of janitor fish were taken from three districts in Wajo Regency used a purpossive sampling technique. Analysis of Pb, Hg and As metals on meat, scales/skin, and bones/fins of suckermouth catfish, refers to SNI 2354.5: 2011, SNI 2354.6-2016 and SNI 01-4866-1998. The results show that suckermouth catfish from the three districts are not contains Pb but contains Hg and As which do not exceed the requirements for metal contamination content limits based on SNI 2729: 2013 concerning requirements for quality and safety of fresh fish

    • Nursinah AmirNursinahAmir
    • Syahrul SyahrulSyahrul
    • Nursyamsi DjamaluddinNursyamsiDjamaluddin
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 168-174
  • This study aims 1) to determine the technical aspects of fishing with a mini purse seine; 2) to analyze the feasibility of a mini purse seine fishery business in the southern part of Ambon Island. This research was carried out from January to December 2018 in several fish landing sites scattered in the southern part of Ambon Island waters, namely Nusaniwe, Hutumuri and Lehari Villages. Sampling was by purposive sampling. Primary and secondary data were taken. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and business financial analysis. The dimensions of the mini purse seine vessels are 20-22.5 m long, 2.70-3.85 m wide, and 1.5-1.8 m high, the dimensions of the net are 225- 345 m long, 50-70.5 m high. The composition of the catch consisted of 4 types of fish, namely blue fly (59.8%), tuna (18.4%), skipjack (17.7%), and baby tuna (4.1%). The results showed that the mini purse seine fishery business met the requirements and was still feasible to develop. The results of the calculation of the business feasibility of a positive NPV and greater than zero (NPV> 0) of Rp. 933,471,927, an IRR of 15.8% greater than the interest rate (10.5%), the value of B / C> 1 of 1.18, the criteria for ROI of 20.14%, the value of PI (Profitability Index)> 1.

    • Frentje D. SilooyFrentjeD.Silooy
    • Agustinus TupamahuAgustinusTupamahu
    • O. T. S OngkersO.T. SOngkers
    • D. D.P MatruttyD.D.PMatrutty
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 175-181
  • Kabupaten Halmahera Barat merupakan salah satu  daerah di Provinsi Maluku Utara yang menjadi priotas dalam pengembangan dan peningkatan produksi beras. Metode tanam yang digunakan yaitu hazton dan jajar legowo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan pendapatan serta berapa besar kontribusi penerapan dengan menggunakan metode hazton dan jajar legowo dalam usahatani padi sawah di Desa Lolori Kabupaten Halmahera Barat. Bentuk analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis usahatani, uji komparatif dan deskriptif presentase. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Lolori Kecamatan Jailolo Kabupaten Halmahera Barat, dengan waktu penelitian mulai dari bulan April 2020 dengan satu kelompok tani yang menggunakan metode hazton sebanyak 21 responden dan satu kelompok tani yang menggunakan metode jajar legowo sebanyak 21 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan total pendapatan petani padi sawah dengan sistem tanam hazton adalah Rp. 28.891.175 /ha/musim tanan dan total pendapatan petani padi sawah dengan sistem tanam jajar legowo adalah Rp. 14.041.858/ha/musim tanam. Berdasarkan dari hasil pehitungan uji perbedaan pendapatan usahatani padi sawah dengan sistem tanam hazton dan jajar legowo diketahui bahwa ada perbedaan pendapatan yang  signifitan antara usahatani padi sawah dengan sistem tanam hazton dan jajar legowo berdasarkan perhitungan diketahui bahwa, t hitung > t tabel, yaitu 2.021 dengan 1.683.85 sehingga H0 ditolak. Serta kontribusi pendapatan terbesar dalam penerapan sistem tanam padi sawah yaitu dengan menggunakan sistem tanam hazton yaitu 89% dibandingkan dengan sistem tanam jajar legowo yaitu 78%.

    • Ekaria EkariaEkaria
    • Irman MamulatiIrmanMamulati
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 187-194
  • Generally each type of fish has different pattern of deterioration. Quality deterioration and high postharvest damage was caused by fishing method, poor handling process, the length of supply chain, poor handling facilities. This research was aimed to know about handling facilities on Purse seine board and its handling method; and to analyze fish quality using pH and organoleptic. The first step in this research was to observe the handling on the board then measure the pH of fish using pH metes. And also there was 30 panelist who did sensory test using organoleptic instrument on the board. The result showed that the handling facilities on board were coolbox, ice and hold, it showed that their apply good handling facilities. The average value of pH between 6,10 – 6,27, where the highest score was Ikan Selar (Selar crumenopthalmus) and the lowest score was Ikan Layang (Decapterus macarellus). The result of organoleptic was between 8,62-8,91, it showed that the tested fishes were fresh.

    • Femsy KourFemsyKour
    • Febrina Olivia AkerinaFebrinaOliviaAkerina
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 195-200
  • The development of the agricultural area in the city of Ternate is intended to create an equitable economic area throughout the city of Ternate. For this reason, research on the analysis of agricultural potential in the economic development of Ternate City is very important. This study aims, to determine the superior agricultural commodities in Ternate City, with LQ (location quotient) analysis. The results of LQ analysis can be seen that the commodity identified as the base commodity, namely palawijaya plant consisting of cassava, sweet potato and peanut corn, has the highest LQ value of 2.24 in West Ternate. Horticultural crops, namely mango, durian, breadfruit, salak, mangosteen and papaya, the highest LQ value was 0.93 in Moti sub-district. Whereas for horticultural crops, namely Chili, Long Beans, Cucumber, Onion, Kale, Tomato, Eggplant and Spinach, the highest LQ value was 1.4 8 in South Ternate.

    • Burhan AbdurahmanBurhanAbdurahman
    • Said AssagafSaidAssagaf
    • M. Janib AchmadM.JanibAchmad
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 201-213
  • The quality of anchovy is very dependent on handling and processing, the stages of good anchovy handling are caught fish, washed with clean fresh water, drained fish, dried fish in the sun at 37-40oC, packaged fish and marketed fish. Good handling and processing will produce high quality anchovy. The research objectives were: To determine the quality of anchovy by microorganism and organoleptic tests. The research benefit is to obtain the quality of anchovy which is expected to have an economic effect on fishermen. This study used an exploratory method with direct sampling techniques on the results of catching anchovies on the boat chart fishing gear in Toniku, West Halmahera. The results showed the total density. The test results of microorganisms from 3 (three) samples, the highest TPC value in community anchovy samples (TM), the identification results obtained by three types of bacteria, namely Micrococus, Bacillus, and Stapylococus and organoleptic test results from 3 (three) samples. shows that the average value of the highest level of preference in samples of boiled anchovies with salt (TRG).

    • Martini DjamhurMartiniDjamhur
    • M. Djanib AchmadM.DjanibAchmad
    • Rian HidayatRianHidayat
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 214-221
  • Blacktail Zebra fish (Dascyllus melanurus) is more caught the sea by fishermen. There are several limitations which are lower growth and feet effisincy trought the natural  habitat. Hence, an optimal feed combination is consideret  to be provided during fish rearing to increase their growth.  One of ideas was to use probiotic, which is bacteria that are able to decompose organic materials to change toxic compounds is valauable matter  to the environment. For instance, ammonia and nitrite can be converted into free ammonium. The additional in an artificial feed is exfected to gain aquaculture activities. The study was conducted for 56 days from August to October 2019 in Wetlab Kastela  FPK of Khairun University. Experiment  and four treatments were applied using Filling Randomized Design (RAL). The result shows that different additional probiotic effected the growth and survival rate of Blacktail zebra fish. The highest was found in probio7 15 ml/kg feed,  which gave 0,88g of total growth’; and the lowest was 0,27g which was found in the treatment A ((control)/ Water quality was checked  weekly and in normal condition for the growth of the growth of blacktail zebra fish.

    • Fatma MuchdarFatmaMuchdar
    • Juharni JuharniJuharni
    • Rovina AndrianiRovinaAndriani
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 222-231
  • Carcharhinus melanopterus in the southern waters of the Makassar Strait is caught with bottom longlines and bottom gill nets as bycatch, caught throughout the year without any management arrangements. The research objective was to obtain information about the size structure and sex ratio of C. melanopterus in the southern waters of the Makassar Strait. The method used is a survey method. Sample measurements were carried out at TPI Paotere Makassar City and TPI Beba Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi Province from July to September 2020. Measurement of total body length (TL:cm) and determining the sex ratio were carried out directly in the field. The results of the study on 144 sample fish showed that the total length range for C. melanopterus landed at the Paotere TPI was the same as those landed at the Beba TPI at sizes between 58 - 135 cm TL with an average length of 91.18 ± 3.32 cm TL and sizes between 51 - 139 cm TL with an average length of 91.1±2.21 cm TL for both male and female sex, respectively.The comparison of C. melanopterus landed in the two fish landing sites was in a balanced state but the male sex was smaller than the female sex.The sex ratio of male and female C. melanopterus is balanced. Most (69.44%) female C. melanopterus caught were relatively young.

    • Faisal AmirFaisalAmir
    • Achmar MallawaAchmarMallawa
    • Joeharnani TresnatiJoeharnaniTresnati
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 232-237
  • Enrekang Regency is one of the areas in South Sulawesi with a topography of producing vegetable commodities, but apart from that this area also produces superior commodities that are only produced in Salukanan Village, Baraka District, namely local rice flavored rice known as "Pulu Mandoti". This study aims to analyze external factors (strengths and weaknesses) and internal factors (opportunities and threats) to formulate a development strategy for agribusiness development of "Pulu Mandoti" flavored rice. This research was carried out in Enrekang Regency, by determining several respondents who involved the head of the agriculture department, epala Bappeda, the head of Gapoktan. The analysis used is process hierarchical analysis, which shows that the strategy to develop flavored rice known as "Pulu Mandoti" starts from technical aspects, policy aspects and economic aspects.

    • Omar Khayam KhayamOmar KhayamKhayam
    • Dr.Irmayani IrmayaniDr.IrmayaniIrmayani
    • Amaluddin AmaluddinAmaluddin
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 238-247
  • Salting and smoking fish is a traditional processing method that aims to preserve by adding salt, smoke and heat to the processed product, because it can reduce the moisture content of processed products that inhibit microbial growth so that it has a long shelf life with distinctive taste and aroma. This study aims to determine the proximate characteristics of smoked salted mackerel fish processed using different concentrations of salt solution, while the benefits can be used as input for the development of home industries and fisheries processing farmers in North Maluku. The results of this study stated that the increase the concentration of salt solution used for the process of immersion of fish before the drying and smoking processes affect the proximate characteristics of salted smoked  mackerel fish with moisture content value of 16.1099-22.7264%; ash 15.4686-18.9986%; fat 7.0559-9.6603%; and protein 47.3287-49.6388%, and carbohydrates 0.7752-15.4068%.

    • Vanessa Natalie Jane LekahenaVanessaNatalie JaneLekahena
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 248-252
  • In terms of control, various natural chemical compounds derived from plants can be used. Like papaya and soursop leaves, the formulation of the problem is whether the combination of soursop leaf extract and papaya leaf extract is effective in controlling S. litura pests and what is the most effective extract concentration. This study used a completely randomized design (RBD) with 5 treatments and 5 replications. Observation variables included symptoms, morphological changes and mortality, the results were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by the Least Significant Difference (LSD) 5% test. The initial symptoms that were seen one day after application of the combination were morphological changes in the test larvae. Such as damage to the body of the larva, change in color, then the larva's body shrinks, when touched the larvae easily fall. The highest mortality was found at the extract concentration of 20% with a mortality rate of 64.79% on the second day. The results showed that the high mortality rate was closely related to the high toxicity contained in the 20% extract concentration. It was concluded that the results of the effectiveness test of the combination of papaya leaf extract and soursop leaf extract were effective. Suggestions for the use of natural materials that are easily available can be used as an alternative to control pests that are environmentally friendly. Furthermore, it is suggested that if you want to increase mortality, you can try increasing the extract concentration.

    • Nonice ManikomeNoniceManikome
    • Morina HandayaniMorinaHandayani
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 253-259
  • Catfish has various advantages, including fast growth, high adaptability to the environment, delicious taste, and high nutritional content.  As a source of nutrition for reared fish, feed is a factor that plays a very important and decisive role in the success of fish farming.  The research aims to determine the effect of feeding frequency on the growth and survival of sangkuriang catfish larvae (C. gariepinus). The study was conducted from June to July 2020 at the Abelisawa Fish Seed Center (BBI), Sampara District, Konawe Regency, South East Sulawesi Province using a Completely Randomized Design with three frequencies of feeding treatment, namely treatment A feeding twice a day, treatment B feeding 3 times a day and treatment C feeding 4 times a day with 3 replications.  Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 95% confidence level (a 0,05).  The results obtained the highest daily growth in treatment B of 3.11 ± 0.04% per day, followed by treatment A of 2.58 ± 0.05% per day and the lowest in treatment C of 2.53 ± 0.03% per day.  The highest absolute growth was obtained in the frequency of feeding 3 times a day at 37.27 ± 0.20 g per individual, followed by 2 times a day at 27.64 ± 0.40 g per individual and the lowest at feeding 4 times a day at 26.51 ± 0.92 g per individual. Survival in all 3 treatments reached 100%.  Analysis of variance (α 0.05) shows that different feeding frequencies significantly affect the daily growth rate (0.05>0.00) and absolute growth (0.05>0.00) sangkuriang catfish larvae (C. gariepinus).

    • Abdul RakhfidAbdulRakhfid
    • Rifai MaugaRifaiMauga
    • Fendi FendiFendi
    • Mosriula MosriulaMosriula
    • Wa Ode Sry WulanWa OdeSryWulan
    • Muhammad BakriMuhammadBakri
    • Alimin AliminAlimin
    • Rochmady RochmadyRochmady
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 260-268
  • Fish scales are fishery waste that can still be utilized because many contain chemical compounds such as organic proteins (41–84%), and the rest are mineral residues and inorganic salts. Fish scales are reported to contain proximate, calcium, and chitin. Chitin can be extracted into chitin by the deasetillation process. Chitosan is a biomaterial that can be used as a food preservative, a pharmaceutical ingredient. This research aims to extract chitin from fish scales and find out the comparison of chitin rendemen in different types of fish. The study was conducted from July to September 2020. Samples of fish scales Upeneus mullocensisi, Lethrinus sp., Caesio chrysozona, and Scarus rivulatus were obtained from the Traditional Market and Morotai Culinary Center. The process of making chitosan is carried out in the FPIK Laboratory of Universitas Pasifik Morotai. The extraction of chitosan from fish scales through three stages is deproteination, demineralization, and deasetilation. The results showed the protein and mineral content of fish scales vary, namely Upeneus mullocensisi (67.83% and 29.84%), Lethrinus sp. (36.80% and 15.99%), Caesio chrysozona (51.84% and 22.99%), and Scarus rivulatus (82.96% and 14.31%). The highest chitosan rendemen in Lethrinus sp. (13.22%), followed by Caesio chrysozona (7.74%), Upeneus mullocensisi (0.80%), and Scarus rivulatus (0.05%). Some chitosan characteristics, such as color, shape, and smell, meet commercial chitosan standards.

    • Rinto Muhammad NurRintoMuhammadNur
    • Asy’ari Asy’ariAsy’ari
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 269-273
  • Jati Unggul Nusantara (JUN) is a new teak seedling product that is a teak variety obtained from the selection of superior teak clones from all over Indonesia using DNA selection. Vegetative effort propagation performed of JUN with shoot cuttings. Concentration and soaking duration  growth regulators are important aspects in vegetative plant propagation especially by shoot cutting. The research was conducted at Maulafa – Kota Kupang  from Mei to August 2020, The experiment was arranged in Complete Randomize Design 2 factorial applications with 3 replication. Factors studied are growth regulator concentration of cow urine 50% (A1), cow urine 100% (A2), green bean  extract 50% (A3), green bean extract 100% (A4), shallot extract 50% (A5) and shallot extract 100% (A6) while soaking duration consists of 4 factors, 2 hours (B1), 4 hours (B2), 6 hours (B3) and 8 hours (B4). The measured observation parameters are the percentage of life, the period of appearance of shoots, the number of leaves, shoot lenght,, shoot roots and the number of roots. The experiment result showed  that variation of concentration organic growth regulator significant effect of JUN shoot cuttings. The treatment of Shallot extract 50% (A5) which affects the percentage of life parameters, the period of appearance of shoots, the number of leaves and shoot lenght.  The treatment of shallot extract 100% (A6) which affects the observation parameters of root length and the number of roots. Interaction among the treatment combination of organic growth regulators A6B2 (ZPT 100%) shallot extract and 4 hours soaking duration significant effect  on the number of roots.

    • Wilhelmina SeranWilhelminaSeran
    • Astin Elise MauAstinEliseMau
    • Mamie Elsyana Pellondo’uMamieElsyanaPellondo’u
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 274-284
  • Fish in Indonesian waters have various types, the famous ones are tuna and skipjack. The two types of fish look similar, because they come from the same family, namely scombridae. To find out and differentiate types of tuna and skipjack fish, it can be seen based on the texture image. The method that can be used in analyzing texture is the Gray Level Coocurent Matrix (GLCM) method. There are several methods of image classification, one of which is the Naive Bayes method. This study aims to identify types of tuna and skipjack based on texture analysis using the GLCM and Naive Bayes methods. Based on the results of testing data analysis on types of tuna and skipjack meat using GLCM with angles  and , the distance of each pixel is 1, indicating the value of Energy, Entropy Contrast, Homogeneity, Correlation, Sum Average, and Sum of Variance are highly varies. As well as the Naive Bayes classification results obtained a probability of 0.58 or 58% categorized as tuna meat, while the remaining probability of 0.42 or 42% is categorized as skipjack.

    • Muzakir Hi. SultanMuzakirHi.Sultan
    • Ruslan LaisouwRuslanLaisouw
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 285-291
  • The problem in this research is how long thetime and costs in doing the development of cultivationthe Nile Tilapia by using PERT-CTM method and how to determine the optimal path for the work of project development of NileTilapia cultivation. This research was conducted in Togawa village, district of south Galela on July until August 2019. The source of data got in this study from primary data that is through direct observation to fish pond farmers who were the object of research as well as conducting interview with the owners of fish pond of Nile Tilapia, and alsoto collect the documentation of cultivation process of Nile Tilapia. The result of calculation using PERT – CTM method obtained that the optimization of the scheduling the development process of Nile Tilapia cultivation in period of 134 days with a fee of Rp. 21.700.000.

    • Rasdiana S Ma’budRasdianaSMa’bud
    • Fauziah NurhamiddinFauziahNurhamiddin
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 292-300
  • The purpose of this study was to determine how long the tuna smoking process takes and how long the quality of smoked fish lasts by conducting an organoleptic test. The material of this research is the organoleptic test of smoked tuna quality with the Efhilink fish fumigant and the simple cabinet type on smoking time. The method used in this study is an experimental method that is by using corn clams as fuel for smoking cobs. The conclusion of the different treatment of the Efhilink and the simple cabinet type with the analysis results can be seen that the fumigation process that is the fastest produced by the Efhilink rack 1 type fumigator is 56 minutes. This is because the working process of the Efhilink type smoker changes the shape of the smoke produced into liquid smoke by connecting the smoke pipe with the condenser so that the temperature of the Efhilink device can be hotter than the Simple Cabinet-type fumigator, besides that the position of rack 1 is very close to the smoke source. . Whereas the longest smoking process produced by a Simple Cabinet Type 3 rack smoking device is 325 minutes or 5 hours 25 minutes this is due to the working process of the Simple Cabinet Type smoking device which emits the smoke produced through the top funnel, so that the heat produced is lower. than the Efhilink-type fumigator. In addition, the position of shelf 3 is very far from the smoke source. Meanwhile, the best organoleptic test value was produced on day 3 of the two tools. Based on the results of the study, it is suggested that the fumigation process uses the Efhilink smoke device.

    • Suwarsih SuwarsihSuwarsih
    • Marita Ika JoesidawatiMaritaIkaJoesidawati
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 301-309
  • The waters of Bara Bay as one of the small pelagic fishing areas in Buru Regency have considerable potential. Fishing efforts carried out by small fishermen using traditional fishing gear such as gill nets and long line have changed along with the development of fishing technology so that studies are needed related to standing stock and the dynamics of fish resource populations. This study aims to determine the growth and frequency distribution patterns of Layang fish (Decapterus sp) and to compare body lengths of fish caught outside the bay and in the bay of Bara. The result study showed that the highest frequency distribution of Layang (Decapterus sp) fish was outside the bay at 208-218 mm, and the location in the bay was 168-179 mm in length. The growth pattern of Layang fish (Decapterus sp) at both catchment locations (Outside Bay and in the bay) is negative allometric meaning that the length growth is faster than the weight growth.
    The relationship between fish length and weight was very strong with value R = 0.995 at the Outside Bay catchment area and an R = 0.983 value at the Inside Bay catchment location. There is a difference in the length of the Layang fish (Decapterus sp) caught outside the bay and inside the bay with a significant value of p<0.05 where the average length of the Layang fish (Decapterus sp) outside the Bay is greater (215.876 mm) than the average length of Layang fish (Decapterus sp) in the inside Bay (193.661 mm).

    • Abdussabar PolanunuAbdussabarPolanunu
    • Samsia UmasugiSamsiaUmasugi
    • M. Chairul Basrun UmanailoM. ChairulBasrunUmanailo
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 310-317
  • The effort of women as the head of the family ini fulfilling the necessities of life is a change in status/fungtion from a housewife to being the head of the family as a result of the conflict Mamala and Morela. With this change in status, he changed his role, namely as a father to children as well as breadwinner to meet the needs of family life. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the social, economic, psychological and spiritual conditions of the family after the departure of the husband and to provide an overview of the efforts made by women as the head of the family in meeting the needs of family life. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection methods, of observation, in-depth interview, FGD and documentation studies. Data was collected from bureaucrats, religious leaders. Traditional leaders, and women breadwinners. Efforts made by women to survive in fulfilling the necessities of life include trading (opening stalls, selling fish, meatballs and boiled noodles) seweing and working in beauty salons. The key factor for family survival in fulfilling life socially, economically, psychologically and spiritually is the family itself and environmental factors as well as determinants to be used by families to develop their businesses. Womens efforts in fulfilling the necessities of life are a form of independence, namely an attiude of confidence and willingnees to take the initiative to survive and not depend on other parties.

    • Hobarth Williams SoselisaHobarthWilliamsSoselisa
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 318-326
  • Sei Carang waters are baronang fish habitat (Siganus guttatus). The research was to determine the length-weight correlationship and condition factors of baronang fish (S. guttatus) in Sei  Carang. Sampling of baronang fish (S. guttatus) in two months (September-Oktober 2019) is taken once a week based on fishing activities and water conditions. Length-weight correlationship of female and male baronang fish (S. guttatus) were W = 2,0895E-05L2,9575 and W = 1,30073E-05L3,0424 respectively, based on this value show that female and male baronang fish (S. guttatus) in Sei Carang have isometric growth patterns (b = 3). Condition factors of female and male baronang fish (S. guttatus) were 1,735 and 1,633 respectively.

    • Yuri IndriyaniYuriIndriyani
    • Susiana SusianaSusiana
    • Rochmady RochmadyRochmady
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 327-333
  • The purpose of this research was to analyze the form of topo local shallot marketing distribution channels and marketing margins of topo local shallots in North Tidore District, Tidore Islands City. Respondents which will be researched include producers, collectors, retailers and consumers who are directly involved in the distribution of topo local shallots. The data collection techniques used in this research included farmers, collector traders, retailers involved in developing topo local shallot commodities in North Tidore District, Tidore Islands City, by filling out a questionnaire followed by interviews. The data analysis used consisted of descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis (marketing margin analysis). Through the research results that the marketing channels carried out by local shallot farmers Topo in North Tidore District have 3 marketing distribution channels (1) Farmer-Trader, Collector-Trader, Retailer and consumer. (2) Farmers, Retailers and Consumers. (3) Farmers directly to the final consumer. The marketing margin in channel I is Rp. 17,500 and channel II is Rp. 10,000. The highest margin is obtained in the marketing channel I, they are farmer-trader-gatherer-retailer-consumer, so that causes part received by farmers is less than the traders. Channel III has no margin because the farmers sell their products directly to consumers. So that the most profitable channel for producers is the marketing channel III.

    • Munawir MuhammadMunawirMuhammad
    • Fatmawati FatmawatiFatmawati
    • Abdul Haris DinAbdulHarisDin
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 334-343
  • Most of the use of coffee today is processed into drinks, with various types, brands and one of them is spice coffee which has been produced in the households of Ternate City, Tabahawa Village. Spice coffee is coffee that mixed with spice powder, namely robusta coffee, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger and sugar. Spice coffee has a warm spicy taste and this coffee has been marketed in stores or supermarkets in Ternate City. Various kinds of beverage products can be made using the basic ingredients of coffee, this is because coffee has a distinctive taste and a refreshing effect. Spices also provide a specific aroma to suit one's taste with a distinctive spice refreshing and warming effect. By combining coffee and spices which have almost the same active compound, it is possible to create mixed flavors that consumers can enjoy. Seeing this potential, it is necessary to conduct research on the Analysis of Spice Coffee Processing Business in the Household Industries of Tabahawa Village, Ternate City. The purpose of this research was to analyze the feasibility of the spice coffee processing business in the Household Industry of Tabahawa Village, Ternate City. The analysis method used in this research are NPV analysis, B / C Ratio, IRR and Payback period. Through the results of the research that the process of making spice coffee includes: All raw materials are ground separately into powder, then the powder is mixed so that it becomes one according to the comparison and to answer the second problem through a financial feasibility analysis that the spice coffee processing business shows that, the NPV value is obtained amounting to Rp.41,437,982, the IRR value obtained is 202.5%, the Cost Ratio value is 0.06%, the Gross B / C Ratio value is Rp.53,717,982, while the calculation of the criteria for the return on investment (playback period) is obtained for 1 year. Investment costs can be covered through profits after the business has been running for 2 years so that the home coffee spice industry is feasible to develop.

    • Fatmawati FatmawatiFatmawati
    • Munawir MuhammadMunawirMuhammad
    • Rusli FokayaRusliFokaya
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 344-351
  • The nutritional adequacy figure, which is then informed in the ING, is a value that shows the average need for certain nutrients that must be met every day for almost all people with certain characteristics including age, gender, level of physical activity, and physiological conditions, to live. healthy. Information on nutritional value aims to inform the nutritional content contained in food or beverages as a guide for consumers to make choices before deciding to buy packaged food or beverage, so this research aims to test the Nutritional Adequacy Rate (RDA) of wood dried tuna which is then informed. in the form of Nutritional Value Information (ING) on the packaging label for wood dried tuna products. The laboratory test results showed that the diversified product of wood dried tuna with fish bone meal substitution after being processed with modern packaging through the canning process has a nutritional adequacy rate (RDA) per 50 g is total energy 80 kcal, 2g total fat, 1g saturated fat, cholesterol 13mg, 12g protein, 3g total carbohydrates, 1g dietary fiber, 1g sugar, 150mg sodium, 180mg potassium, 52.44 mg calcium, 1g iron.

    • Umar TangkeUmarTangke
    • Bernhard KatiandaghoBernhardKatiandagho
    • Rochmady RochmadyRochmady
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 352-357
  • The objectives of this study are 1). Knowing the types of plants that have the potential as a food source 2) Knowing which parts of plants are used as foodstuffs 3) Knowing how to process plant species as a source of food for the people on the coast of Galela, while the benefit of this research is the identification of plant types that have the potential to be a source of food for the community galela area. The method used is a survey method by giving structured questions. Primary data is data from interviews with respondents and direct observation in the field, which includes; observation data on plant species, (2) parts of the plant used (3) how to process the food material. Respondents in this study were housewives in the coastal area of Galela with a total of 65 respondents. The results showed that 1) there were 35 types of plants and 20 families that were used by the community as food sources, both cultivated and found in nature. The parts of plants consumed by the community vary, ranging from leaves, stems, flowers, fruit, tubers, rhizomes, to leaf buds. The leaves, flowers, young stems are mostly consumed as vegetables. 3) The types of bananas and yams consumed as staple food are usually processed by boiling, coconut milk, or frying them.

    • Ariance Yeane KastanjaArianceYeaneKastanja
    • Zeth PattyZethPatty
    • Zakarias DilagoZakariasDilago
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 369-377
  • Seaweed K.alvarezii is a type of seaweed from the red algae (Rhodophyta) group that produces carrageenan.Carrageenan is very important as a thickening, gelling and emulsifying agent, and is widely used in various industries such as food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, soap, textiles, paints, toothpaste and others. Bobanehena Village, Jailolo Subdistrict, is one of the areas in West Halmahera that has been used by the local community as a seaweed K.alvarezii type of seaweed cultivation area since 2007, but it has not yet provided optimal results.To find out the extent of the impact of this business in providing benefits both financially and the level of income of seaweed cultivators in the area, it is necessary to study in depth through research. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of seaweed K.alvarezii cultivation, and the income level of seaweed K.alvarezii cultivators in Bobanehena village, Jailolo subdistrict,West Halmahera regency.This research was conducted at the location of seaweed cultivation in Bobanehena Village, Jailolo subistrict, West Halmahera Regency.The time of the research was 1 (one) month, starting from November to December, 2019. Data collection was carried out on all selected respondents.The number of cultivators selected as respondents consisted of 7 groups, each of which consisted of 10 people who carried out the seaweed K. alvarezii cultivation business.The number of cultivators was randomly selected (rendom) so that the total number of seaweed cultivators was 70 people. The data collection method was carried out by survey and interview methods. The results showed that the seaweed K.alvarezii cultivation business in Bobanehena village, Jailolo subdistrict was feasible to be cultivated or developed because it had an R/C ratio > 1, with a total income level of Rp./year or Rp. 210,234,200/harvest season or Rp. 30,033,457/ group/ha.

    • Fatma MuchdarFatmaMuchdar
    • Muhammad IrfanMuhammadIrfan
    • Gamal M. SamadanGamalM.Samadan
    • Sandra SriwahyuniSandraSriwahyuni
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 384-390
  • Congo Tetra fish is one of the freshwater ornamental fish species which is in great demand because of its high economic value. Male congo tetra fish have a higher selling value than female fish, because the morphology of their bodies looks more attractive, especially their brighter colors and long fins. Sex reversal technology is one technique that can be used to obtain male monosexual offspring.The hormone 17α-methyltestosterone in male fish can increase spermatogenesis and determine secondary sex markers in male fish through the formation of sexual characteristics in fish morphology and body color. The administration of the hormone 17α-methyltestosterone with the right dose can increase the percentage of male sex of Congo Tetra fish. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the hormone 17α-methyltestosterone with different doses on the percentage of male sex, absolute weight growth, and survival of congo tetra fish, to determine which 17α-methyltestosterone hormone dose had the best effect on the percentage of male sex, growth in absolute weight, and survival in congo tetra fish. This research was conducted at the Regional Technical Service Unit of the Fish Seed Center for Ternate City. The time for conducting the research starts from March to May, 2020. In this study, 4 treatment doses of hormones were used, each treatment was repeated 3 times. The treatments tried were as follows: Treatment A: Dose 2 mg/l, Treatment B: Dose 3 mg/l, Treatment C: Dose 4 mg/l, Treatment D: Dose 0 mg/l (control).The results showed that the hormone 17α-methyl testosterone with different doses had a very significant effect on the male sex percentage of congo tetra fish, but it was not significantly different on the growth in absolute weight and survival of congo tetra fish. The highest average percentage of male sex in congo tetra fish was found in treatment C (dose 4 mg/l) which was 86.6%, the highest average value of growth in absolute weight was found in treatment A (hormone dose 2 mg/l) of 1.083 g, and the highest survival was found in treatment D (control) of 90.473%.

    • Muhammad IrfanMuhammadIrfan
    • Nursanti AbdullahNursantiAbdullah
    • Siti Fadilla PaputunganSitiFadillaPaputungan
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 391-402
  • Masin is a type of chili sauce fermented by using rebon shrimp with the addition of salt and tamarind widely consumed in the West Nusa Tenggara, being particularly popular among the Sumbawa people. The aimed of this research was to determine the effect of salt and tamarind concentration on the quality of masin as the Sumbawa sauce. The experiment was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) with salt and tamarind concentration. The treatments were MU1 (8% salt: 10% tamarind), MU2 (salt 10 %: 8% tamarind), MU3 (12% salt: 6% tamarind), MU4 (14% salt: 4% tamarind), and MU5 (16% salt: 2% tamarind). Data was analyzed using Co-Stat software with 5% significance differences. The treatments that were significantly different was then analyzed using Honestly Significance Difference (HSD). The results showed that the treatment of salt and tamarind concentrations significantly affected the water content, protein content, acidity (pH) of the color, aroma, and masin flavor of Sumbawa. The best treatments was obtained at MU4 (14% salt: 4% tamarind) with 6% acidity (pH), 69.35% water content, 11.54% protein content, 4.45 (reddish-brown) color value score. Aroma 3.75 (like) and taste 3.55 (somewhat like)

    • Asmawati AsmawatiAsmawati
    • Jumisayati JumisayatiJumisayati
    • Adi SaputrayadiAdiSaputrayadi
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 403-411
  • Water quality generally indicates the quality or condition of water associated with a particular activity or need.  The influx of organic and inorganic pollution into Daruba waters can cause the water quality meets degradation of biological of function. This reseach aimed to determine the quality analysis of the waters of the Daruba. Sampling was carried out in September to oktober 2020 across five reseach stations,then the result of laboratory of water quality parameters were carried out descriptive. The result measurements and laboratory tests of chemical physics parameters show the condition of Daruba waters based on water quality standards on KEPMEN-LH No. 51 Tahun 2004, most of which have exceeded the water quality standards for marine biota.

    • Vicky Rizky A. KatiliVickyRizky A.Katili
    • Kismanto KoroyKismantoKoroy
    • Mujais LukmanMujaisLukman
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 413-418
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the Mulu bebe banana supply chain mechanism in East Sahu Sub-District, to find out the marketing distribution of Mulu bebe banana in East Sahu Sub- District and to find out the marketing margins in each supply chain of Mulu bebe banana. The study was conducted in East Sahu Sub-district through observation, questionnaires, direct interviews with the agribusiness perpetrators of the Mulu bebe banana in 2018. The sample selection was carried out by stratified sampling and total sample is 73 respondents. The results showed that there were three flow mechanisms, first is the information flow, product flow and financial flow. There were two marketing distribution of Mulu bebe banana in East Sahu sub-district used by farmers. First, farmers to consumers and second is farmers to village collection traders to retailers then to consumers. While the total marketing margins obtained by collectors and retailers in marketing distributin II in grade A and grade B mulu bebe bananas are Rp. 30,000, while the marketing margin obtained by collectors and retailers in grade C of Mulu bebe banana is Rp. 25,000.

    • Zakeus DadiZakeusDadi
    • Musdhalifah KholilMusdhalifahKholil
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 419-425
  • The existence of Forest park vegetation in Tagafura as the  vegetation cover are  important to be maintain and preserved, since it’s effective for the human live on the earth. The function of this forest park  is to defend the field around the forest in several ways such as, the water cycle, avoid the flood, erosion scheming and the soil fruitfulness keeper. The Tagafura Forest Park has a lot of natural resource, but the structure and the composition of the field are not completely found yet. Based on the the statement above the Researcher are interested to conduct the research entitled “ VEGETATION ANALYSIS OF THE TAGAFURA FOREST PARK IN TIDORE ISLAND to know about the structure and the composition of the vegetation in the Forest park of Tagafura and be able to being as the government substance while made a decision about the Forest park. This research used purposive sampling with a combination of to track and double plot to placement the plot. The data then analyzing used the density and relative density formula, domination and relative domination formula, frequency and relative frequency formula and The Importance Value Index (INP). Based on the research result, the data was founded that the forest has 25 structures include 15 types of Seedlings, 10 type of Stakes, 13 type of poles and 12 types of tress.  The domination of the composition type amount the growth based on the INP is (1). Augenia aromatic with the INP in Seedling are 45,49. INP for Stand  are 18,05. INP for the  are 23,67 and the INP for the trees are 132.08. (2). Myristica fragrans has the INP for the seedlings are 31.44. INP for Stand are 15.11. INP for the poles are 30.27  and the INP for the trees are 47.25.  (3). Gnetum gnemo has the INP for the seedlings are 19,48. INP for Stand are 24.21. INP for the  poles are 49.92  and the INP for the trees are 10.83. (4). Arenga Pinnata has the INP for the seedlings are 18,13. INP for Stand are 36.11. INP for the  poles are 24.04  and the INP for the trees are 17.51. (5). Cinnamomum verum has the INP for the seedlings are 11.84. INP for Stand are 33.17. INP for the  poles are 26.42  and the INP for the trees are 7.36.

    • Sabaria NiapeleSabariaNiapele
    • Tamrin SalimTamrinSalim
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 426-434
  • The growing public interest in travelling has become a different strength for the tourism industry currently. The existence of a person on a trip that can be shown on social media can be a force that indirectly becomes a promotional tool. The tourist village that is currently trending is a form of tourism which consists of natural tourism which is integrated with other tours, to provide a unique value compared to additional terms. The Karst area in Maros and Pangkep Regencies has the potential to be used as a tourist area, but currently, these karst areas have been widely used as raw material for the cement industry. One of the villages that has natural karst tourism in Maros Regency is the village of Botolempangan which has been planned by the village government as a tourism village because it has various unique natural resources that can become new income alternatives for the community, so it is essential to be developed as well as a reason to maintain the area. Karst which began to be eroded by industrial companies. The purpose of this study was to identify tourism potential and analyze the development strategy of the tourist village of Botolempangan. The research method used is observation, in-depth interviews and FGD. The analysis used is a descriptive qualitative analysis and SWOT analysis. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the village of Botolempangan has tourism potential in the form of natural karst tourism, cave tourism (leang), fisheries tourism, Sulawesi endemic monkeys, natural scenery, outbound, camping and educational tours. Based on the SWOT analysis, there are four strategies that can be carried out to develop the tourist village of Botolempangan, i.e. 1). The increased synergy between the government, universities and the community, especially managers in maximizing the supporting factors for the implementation of tourism villages 2). We are managing the Botolempangan karst area into a tourism village that is integrated with nature tourism, fisheries tourism, culinary tours and educational tours 3). Optimizing village budgets to improve tourist facilities and providing education for managers in supporting tourism 4). Increased promotions that prioritize the uniqueness of the region, facilities and the convenience of visiting through social media and partnerships with a local travel.

    • Kattya Nusantari PutriKattyaNusantariPutri
    • Muhammad Adam AsgarMuhammadAdamAsgar
    • Andi Nur Apung MassisengAndiNur ApungMassiseng
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 435-448
  • Village Malang Rapat waters are have the potential and habitat of kurisi fish resources (Nemipterus sp.). The research was to determine the length-weight relationship of kurisi fish (Nemipterus sp.) in Village Malang Rapat. Sampling of kurisi fish (Nemipterus sp.) in two months (October-November 2020) is taken once a week based on fishing grounds and habitat. Length-weight relationship of female and male kurisi fish (Nemipterus sp.) were y = 1,1568x2,0659 and y = 1,2123x1,8971 respectively, based on this value show that female and male kurisi fish (Nemipterus sp.) in Village Malang Rapat waters have negative allometric growth patterns (b < 3).

    • Rapita RapitaRapita
    • Susiana SusianaSusiana
    • Rochmady RochmadyRochmady
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 449-453
  • The problem of the world energy crisis facing many countries, including Indonesia, can be overcome by using alternative energy sources to be used as fuel such as bioethanol. North Maluku is one of the regions in Indonesia that has a lot of agricultural products including waste. This agricultural waste contains a lot of carbohydrates which have the potential to be processed into bioethanol. This study aims to review research related to bioethanol production from agricultural waste and see the potential for bioethanol production from agricultural waste in North Maluku. This research method is written based on literature study. Sources of data in this study came from: 1). Related research journal. 2). Related institutions (BPS Maluku Utara). Data processing is carried out in calculating the potential bioethanol that can be produced. The results of the study showed that there were 190,276,660,746 tons of waste in North Maluku. If converted into bioethanol, there will be 10,630,272.41 kiloliters of bioethanol. Thus, North Maluku has the potential for bioethanol production.

    • Muhamad Sahman Hi. LuthMuhamadSahmanHi. Luth
    • Erna Rusliana Muhamad SalehErnaRuslianaMuhamad Saleh
    • Nurjanna AlbaarNurjannaAlbaar
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 454-463
  • The study of fish behavior with echofishfinder observations was carried out to determine the composition of the catch, economic size of the catch and oceanographic parameters of the behavior of fish caught through echofishfiner observations in the Tallo river. This research was carried out in July-October 2020 at five fishing gear points. sero. The research method used is an experimental method which aims to investigate the possibility of a causal relationship by controlling and controlling. Data collection is obtained from the catch of sero fishing gear from fishermen then the catch is separated based on 3 types of catch, namely main, secondary and waste. Research results show that. The data analysis used in this study is the composition of the economic catch and the Tss test for oceanographic parameters. The results showed that the movement of fish was dominated by small fish groups that came schooling and alone (Solitary). The main types of catch are baronang fish (Siagnus Sp), bycatch, namely tembang fish (sardinella), and puffer fish (Diodotinidae). The measured oceanographic parameters were temperature, current velocity, and chlorophyll-a from several parameters that were closest to the total main catch, namely the chlorophyll a parameter.

    • Ibnu Malkan HasbiIbnuMalkanHasbi
    • Jumrawati JumrawatiJumrawati
    • Husni AngraeniHusniAngraeni
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 464-469
  • White-Spotted Rabbitfish (Siganus canaliculatus Park, 1797) are herbivorous fish that are associated with seagrass habitat and are widely distributed in mangrove and coral reef habitats. The waters of the Buntal  Island – Kotania Bau have an ecosystem of seagrass medows, mangroves and coral reefs, with the association of S. canaliculatus as one of the target catch of fishermen. The purpose was study to analyze the biological aspects of S. canaliculatus, including: sex ratio, size of first maturity, and fecundity. The research was conducted from October 2015 until January 2016 in the waters of Buntal Island, Kotania Bay. Fish samples were collected from fishermen's catch using bottom gill nets and Set net. Each fish sample was dissected for sex determination and gonad maturity level. The analysis is used to see the relationship between body length and weight and fecundity. The results showed that 167 fish and 149 female fish. The ratio of male and female was balanced, namely 52.85%: 47.15% or 1.1: 1 (X2count 4.13 <X2table 11.34). The size of first maturity of female is 14.98 cm (14.5 - 15.5 cm) smaller than the male 18.9 cm (18.8 - 19.1 cm). The high potential of S. canaliclulatus based on the Fecundity obtained was in the range of 524,000 - 1,286,359 eggs. There is a positive relationship between body length and fecundity, indicating that the value of Fecundity increases with body size. To support its sustainable use in the wild, it is necessary to regulate the size of S. canaliculatus that can be harvest at a body length of > 15 cm TL, to provide opportunities for spawning and support population growth before exploitation, thus supporting responsible and sustainable fisheries.

    • Husain LatuconsinaHusainLatuconsina
    • Rospita LestaluhuRospitaLestaluhu
    • Risman RumasorengRismanRumasoreng
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 470-478
  • Red peanut butter tends to be easy to make and doesn't require a lot of additional ingredients. Besides jam is a processed product that is very popular with many people, especially the mobility, because it is practical and preferred as a spread of bread for the breakfast menu. This study aims to determine the chemical and organoleptic properties of red peanut butter with the addition of different sugars. This research method uses a simple Randomized Complete Design (CRD) one factor consisting of 5 treatments and three replications so as to obtain 5x3 = 15 experimental units. The treatments consisted of 5 treatments namely adding 15% sugar (K1), adding 20% sugar (K2), adding 25% sugar (K3), adding 30% sugar (K4) and adding 35% sugar (K5) with peanut porridge 1 kg The parameters observed include chemical properties, namely water content, ash content, fat content, protein content, carbohydrate content, crude fiber and dissolved solids while for organoleptic properties include color, aroma, texture and taste. The addition of different sugars gives significantly different effects on water content, carbohydrate content, protein content, color, aroma, texture and taste. Red peanut butter is the best treatment, which is the addition of 35% sugar (K5).

    • Nursafa NursafaNursafa
    • Erna Rusliana Muhamad SalehErnaRuslianaMuhamad Saleh
    • Mustamin A. MasukuMustaminA.Masuku
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 479-485
  • Dodol is a semi-wet food that has a plastic texture. The typical organoleptic properties of dodol are brown and have a sweet, savory and legit taste with a plastic texture. Nutmeg meat has the potential to be processed into various food products such as candied nutmeg, nutmeg syrup, jam, nutmeg juice, instant nutmeg drink, nutmeg jelly, nutmeg wine, vinegar acid, gelatin hard candy and dodol. Processing nutmeg meat into nutmeg dodol can add value to nutmeg products and increase farmers' income. The purpose of this study was to produce nutmeg dodol with the best organoleptic properties. Dodol from nutmeg meat and banana flour mulu bebe produces a colour value of 3.64-3.70 (dislike), flavour 3.25-3.59 (rather dislike), and aroma of 3.75-4.15 (dislike). The ratio of the addition of nutmeg meat 65% and banana flour mulu bebe 35% meets the quality of SNI dodol, the ratio of addition of nutmeg meat 45% and banana flour mulu bebe 55% produces nutmeg dodol favoured by consumers.

    • Mustamin A. MasukuMustaminA.Masuku
    • Misran LawaniMisranLawani
    • Erna UmasugiErnaUmasugi
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 486-492
  • Fixed chart fishing focuses on utilization of light aids for attract fish. Underwater submersible light ((Lacuda) LED is one of the assistive technologies that are environmentally friendly, be the subject of study in determining the characteristics of the movement or fish swimming groupings based on the operating time of the fishing gear and can be detected by hydroacoustic devices. The research method used is descriptive exploratory method by participating in fishing operations in the waters of Laikang Bay from April to September 2020. The results of the observations made at 18:00-05:00 Wita every trip shows that fish swimming activity after midnight tends to be higher than before midnight and at midnight. Based on the hydroacoustic detection of fish swimming activity in the form of solitary, medium and large groups at an average depth of 2-6 meters at 03:00-05:00 Wita. The amount of catch in hauling I is 138,4 Kg while hauling II is 157,3 Kg. The type of catch is small pelagic fish and demersal fish.

    • Husni AngreniHusniAngreni
    • Ibnu Malkan HasbiIbnuMalkanHasbi
    • Jumrawati JumrawatiJumrawati
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 493-499
  • The research objective was to determine the authority of local governments in forest protection based on Law Number 32 of 2004 and Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government and to see the implications of the transfer of personnel, facilities and infrastructure, and documents on the protection of the Tagafura Protected Forest Area. , Tidore Islands City. This research used interview and document study methods. The data collected were analyzed qualitatively and descriptively. The research was conducted at the Tidore Islands City Government, the North Maluku Provincial Forestry Service Office and the Kalaodi Urban Village Office. This study found that: (1) the authority of the government based on Law Number 32 of 2004 lies in the regency or city, while in Law Number 23/2014, this authority is transferred to the provincial government; (2) The transfer of personnel, transfer of facilities and infrastructure as well as documents on efforts to protect the Tagafura Protected Forest Area did not proceed properly.

    • Muhammad JulhamMuhammadJulham
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 500-508
  • As a province that has a very large sea area, North Maluku must be able to become a leading province in the fishery product sector. The mushrooming of fishery product processing businesses carried out by micro-industries in North Maluku is certainly very good but it must also be followed by the nutritional quality of the products produced. One type of nutrition that can be increased in processed fish is calcium, a material that can be used as a source of calcium is also easily available, such as tuna bone meal and anchovies which have a high enough calcium content. In previous research, it was found that the use of tuna fish bone meal had a high effect on the value of canned tuna with an average of 792.9 mg per 180 grams, the fortification of anchovy flour had an effect on product calcium, which averaged 83.34 mg per 180 grams and without preparation with an average calcium value of 21.6 mg per 180 mg. However, it has not been able to reveal the best and proper fortivication to increase the calcium content of the product, so it is necessary to continue with different concentrations for activation.The research started from the preparation stage, manufacturing of fortivication materials, product manufacturing, calcium testing, microbiological testing and statistical analysis, carried out with five treatments, namely without fortivication or 0% (A0), fortivication of tuna fish bone meal 3% (B1), flour. 6% tuna bones (B2), 3% anchovy flour (C1), 6% anchovy flour (C2).From the results of the study it was found that fortivication using tuna bone meal as much as 6% had a high effect on the increase in calcium content in canned tuna with an average of 7.253 ppm. Whereas fortivication using 3% and 6% anchovy flour had an effect on the increase in product calcium with an average value of 473 ppm and 790 ppm, respectively.

    • Ibnu Wahab LaitupaIbnuWahabLaitupa
    • Azis HusenAzisHusen
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 509-512
  • This study aimed to evaluate the best formulation based on the ratios of Mulu Bebe banana puree on synbiotic yogurt. This study used 10% Lactobacillus bulgaricus lactic acid and mulu bebe banana puree incorporated into liquid milk, with the ratios (banana puree to liquid milk) of 1: 0.25; 1: 0.5; 1: 0.75, and 1: 1. Analysis of synbiotic yogurt focused on chemical properties, including moisture, ash, protein, fat, and carbohydrate. The data analysis was subjected to one-way ANOVA in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 (three) replications. The result showed that the synbiotic yogurt using L. bulgaricus probiotics and different volumes of mulu bebe banana prebiotic meet the SNI 2981: 2009 requirements for nonfat yogurt, namely a maximum fat content of 0.5%, a minimum protein of 2.7%, and an optimum ash content of 1, 0%. Regarding quality, the best yogurt in this study contained 10% probiotics and 2.5% mulu bebe banana pure prebiotic.

    • Yusnaini B. TalebeYusnainiB.Talebe
    • Sri LestariSriLestari
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 513-516
  • This study aims to assess the condition of the coral reef ecosystem in East Biak waters and formulate a strategy for optimal and sustainable management of coral reef ecosystems in the waters of East Biak, Biak Numfor Regency. Data and information were collected through the application of various methods, namely field surveys using transect techniques, interviews using questionnaires and document tracing. The data analysis method consisted of analyzing the condition of the coral reef ecosystem, SWOT analysis. The results showed that the waters of East Biak had very varied coral reef ecosystem conditions with a range of 22 - 85% with an average percentage of coral cover of 68.78% and when compared to the percentage of coral cover in 2018 there was an increase of 12%, although found in some location has decreased. In the management of coral reef ecosystems in this area there is support from the government, but due to budget constraints, the management has not been carried out optimally. From the analysis, several management alternatives are recommended, namely; (1) Optimizing coral reef management through; zoning arrangements for coastal and marine areas, increasing community, private and government participation in coral reef management and strengthening regional regulations; (2) Conservation and rehabilitation of coral reef ecosystems through; strengthening regional marine conservation areas, carrying out conservation and rehabilitation of coral reef ecosystems, regulating fish utilization activities in the area, integrated law enforcement and strengthening community-based monitoring and supervision systems; and (3) Increasing the quality of life of the community through; public awareness of the importance of coral reefs, community empowerment, repositioning of community livelihoods and developing technology for the utilization of marine biological resources that are effective and environmentally friendly.

    • Selfinus PattiasinaSelfinusPattiasina
    • Fatmawati MarasabessyFatmawatiMarasabessy
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 517-525
  • One of the agricultural commodities that is suitable to be developed with an agribusiness system is the commodity of decorative plants. This business plays an equally important role compared to other business sectors in the process of restoring growth and economic development in Indonesia. This is proven during the crisis, in which the decorative plant commodities as part of the horticulture sub-sector have played a role as a source of income with high added value for the farmers. This study aims to analyze the business strategy of decorative plant cultivation in the Pare-pare, to analyze external and internal factors. The research object is the Green House Garden and the Agriculture Office of  Pare-pare. The data collection techniques used were interviews, questionnaires, observation and documentation involving 20 people as respondents. The data were analyzed by using qualitative descriptive analysis with a SWOT analysis approach. The results showed that the decorative plant business strategy in the Parepare was declared feasible because, based on the indicators of assessment aspect that have been determined, namely the ability of Green House Garden managers in achieving profitable sales volumes, the ability to produce better products compared to competitors, the ability to determine better prices compared to competitors, the ability to distribute better products and the ability to promote products more effectively than competitors, then the analysis of market and marketing aspects is considered feasible.

    • Sitti Saleha TalibSittiSalehaTalib
    • Muhammad Siri DangngaMuhammadSiriDangnga
    • Irmayani IrmayaniIrmayani
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 526-529
  • Pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan di perkotaan menjadi masalah karena kepadatan penduduk yang cukup tinggi sedangkan lahan untuk bercocok tanam justru semakin sempit bahkan cenderung berkurang karena dikonversi menjadi pemukiman penduduk, pabrik, mall dan jalan umum.  Disisi lain kebutuhan pangan terus meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan masyarakat di kota Ternate, maka salah satunya adalah dengan penerapan teknologi bioflok. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk melihat penerapan teknologi sistem akuaponik of  bioflok nutrient system pada tanaman sayuran dan ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) sebagai solusi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan dengan memanfaatkan lahan pekarangan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan metode eksperimen pada sistem bioflok yang terdiri dari satu kolam yang di desain menggunakan terpal dengan ukuran 3x3 meter sedangkan untuk hidroponik menggunakan pipa 5 inc dengan panjang 4 meter berjumlah 12 buah pipa.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ikan nila pada bulan ketiga mengalami pertumbuhan yang cukup signifikan, sedangkan untuk tanaman sayuran dengan hidroponik setiap bulannya dapat dilakukan panen sebanyak empat kali yaitu (sayur kangkung, bayam merah, sawi, dan seledri) dengan pertumbuhan yang cukup maksimal.  Dengan sistem bioflok dapat menghasilkan dua kebutuhan pangan sekaligus yaitu ikan nila dan tanaman sayuran, sehingga dengan model ini dapat diaplikasikan pada masyarakat khususnya masyarakat di kota Ternate.

    • Ahmad TalibAhmadTalib
    • Muhammad Hi NohMuhammadHiNoh
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 530-538
  • Ternate has abundant skipjack pelagic fish fishery resources and it becomesas a process smoked fish which is consumed by all people from lower, middle to upper level. This study aims to determine the quality of smoked skipjack fish by using coconut shells. Organoleptic observations include appearance, color, aroma, taste, texture, appearance. The methods used in this research are descriptive and quantitative methods. With organoleptic and microbiological test parameters (Total Plate Figures). The samples used for analysis were 12 tails for 8 organoleptic testing and 4 for ALT testing. The organoleptic test results on smoked skipjack tuna on the color, taste, aroma, naming, and texture of the five analyzes were still acceptable to the 27 panalis of smoked skipjack tuna produced on the first, second and third day after the third day of meat the skipjack tuna that is stored has deteriorated quality and is contaminated by bacterial fungi, so the fourth, fifth, and sixth day of coconut shell smoked cakalng fish can no longer be consumed. The results of the ALT microbiological test for smoked skipjack tuna obtained the lowest value was 33.602, the second with a value of 36.006 and the third 37.505 from the test results the smallest bacteria with a value of 33.602.

    • Azis HusenAzisHusen
    • Ibnu Wahab LaitupaIbnuWahabLaitupa
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 539-543
  • Food safety and product quality are very important things applied in the processing of fishery products. This study aims to determine the food safety and quality of flying fish products produced by the village of Dermasandi. Flying fish is a traditional processed product that is very popular with the community because it has a distinctive texture and aroma. The sample of flying grilled fish was tested in the laboratory of the Regional Technical Implementation Unit for Testing and Application of Quality of Fishery Products in Cirebon. The results obtained are sensory test parameters with results 8 - 8.17, moisture content with results 67.51% - 68.11%, fat content with results 0.45% - 1.41%, Total Plate Count (TPC) with a yield of  110,000 – 120,000 kol/g, and Escherichia coli with a yield of ˂ 3 APM/g

    • Fatahuddin FatahuddinFatahuddin
    • Aef PermadiAefPermadi
    • Hari Eko IriantoHariEkoIrianto
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 544-547
  • Maitara Island has enormous natural resource potential to be developed as a tourist destination. One of the very potential is the Coral Reef ecosystem. This study aims to see the condition of reef fish on Maitara Island based on the Ecological Index. The study was carried out in June - July 2020. Data collection for reef fish using the Visual Method Census method included three (3) roles of fish, namely the role of major fish, indicators and targets. Data analysis in the form of Abundance, Diversity and Dominance. The results showed that the three roles of fish with a total of 86 species from 9 families. Major fish as many as 51 species consisting of families Pomacentridae (9 species), Caesoinidae (1 species), scaridae (2 species) and Labridae (7 species). The role of indicator fish is 15 species with 1 family (Chaetodontidae), and the role of target fish is 20 species consisting of 4 families (Serranidae, Siganudae, Latjunidae and Acanhuridae). The ecological index (Abundant, Diversity and Dominance) of reef fish at the study site is very low, which indicates high pressure on coral reefs and causes loss of ecological function and resilience. Utilization of coral reefs that do not pay attention to sustainability, such as taking coral reefs, haphazardly anchoring ships and bombing carried out decades ago directly impacted reef fish at the research site, where the abundance of fish at the observation station was at a value of 0.03 ind/ m2 and the diversity index does not exceed 0.5 ind/m2. The damage to the coral reefs of Maitara Island is mostly caused by anthropogenic activities, so that rehabilitation efforts must be carried out immediately to restore the condition of reef fish and protect the existence of Maitara Island from the threat of abrasion.

    • Syahnul Sardi TitaheluwSyahnulSardiTitaheluw
    • Armain NaimArmainNaim
    • Aisyah BafagihAisyahBafagih
    • Rovina AndrianiRovinaAndriani
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 13, No 2, P: 548-555
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