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Volume 15 Issue 2, October 2022

Credit cover image by: Umar Tangke/UMMU Ternate

Research Article(14 articles)

  • Designing appropriate technological innovations on the dc motor used to drive the alternator and knowing the performance of the tool. The method used in the research is the experimental design method which includes several stages, namely : (1) requirements analysis, (2) system design, (3) tool making, and (4) tool performance testing. This tool works using DC motor propulsion by rotating the alternator, so that it can rotate to produce an electric voltage which is then stored in an accumulator electrical energy storage cell. Electrical energy stored in batteries (accumulators) can be used to power electronic equipment on fishing vessels >10 GT such as GPS navigation tools, fishfinder lights, simple ones that do not have too much electrical power. Based on the results of the 20-minute test that has been carried out, it can be concluded that this appropriate innovative alternative power generation system can work well at 2000 rpm to 3600 rpm and produce an average voltage of 14.63 volts and an average charging current. - an average of 2.5 amperes.

    • Wijatmika WijatmikaWijatmika
    • Moch. Subroto AliredjoMoch.SubrotoAliredjo
    • Dedy H. SutisnaDedyH.Sutisna
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 15, No 2, P: 334-340
  • This study purpose to find an effective empowerment model in the innovation diffusion activity of nutmeg commodity diversification in Ternate City. The sample used was 30 respondents. The data obtained for this study consisted of two sources, namely primary and secondary data. The analysis used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. Based on the results of the study showed that the model of farmer empowerment through the diffusion of effective diversification innovations in Marikurubu Village and Ngade Village, Ternate City, North Maluku Province requires several variables including Human Resources Variables consisting of Extension Officers and Farmers. greatly affect other variables. Then followed by process variables including Material and Media, where the material most desired by respondents was Processed Balm using the help of infocus media. The output that will be produced is a change in the knowledge, attitudes and skills of respondents in implementing materials about processed nutmeg products to be empowered and able to compete in the market.

    • Putri Ayu AnggrainiPutriAyuAnggraini
    • Sugiyanto SugiyantoSugiyanto
    • Edi Dwi CahyonoEdiDwiCahyono
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 15, No 2, P: 341-349
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the value of SGOT and SGPT in milkfish induced by heavy metals (Hg) by aquaria flushing technique with Rosella (Hibiscus Sabdariffa Linn) extract. The samples used were 30 male adult milkfish divided into 5 groups. The treatment group was induced with a toxic dose of heavy metal mercury (Hg), which was dissolved in a volume of m3 of water. Blood collection from the heart vein of milkfish as much as 1-2 ml for SGPT and SGOT examination was carried out using the Berthelot method. The liver, gills and brain of milkfish were then examined, 300 grams were centrifuged until smooth and then dissolved in methanol to obtain concentrations of 25ppm, 50ppm, 100ppm, 200ppm, 300ppm, 400ppm, 500ppm, 600ppm, 700ppm, 800ppm, 9 00ppm. and 1000ppm then analyzed by ANOVA. Based on the research results of black roselle flower extract therapy with aquaria flushing system on male milkfish, the average value of SGOT and SGPT showed a very significant decrease in groups P1, P2, P3, and P4, against the P0 group or control group (P<0, 01 ).

    • Intan Permatasari HermawanIntanPermatasariHermawan
    • Olan Rahayu Puji Astuti NussaOlanRahayu PujiAstuti Nussa
    • Ady KurniantoAdyKurnianto
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 15, No 2, P: 350-354
  • One of the fishery commodities included in the leading fishery commodity is the sea cucumber (Holothuroidea sp.). Sea cucumber is a target for anglers' catches because it has high economic value and can be easily marketed, not only on a local scale but also for export. The increased demand for sea cucumber exports can threaten the sustainability of sea cucumber resources in nature. This is due to the effect of fulfilling market demand directly related to fishing efforts by fishers. Responding to these problems, the purpose of this study was to analyze the fishing season and the supply chain of sea cucumbers on Sapuka Island, Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The research methods used are the survey, observation, and Participatory Rural Approach (PRA). There were 20 PRA participants, including 10 sea cucumber fishers, 2 village government officials, 3 community members, 2 community groups (POKMAS), and 3 sea cucumber collectors. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using MDS using the Rapfish approach. The results showed that the sea cucumber fishing season on Sapuka Island was throughout the year January-December, with the highest fishing season in January-April. There are 5 models/patterns in the sea cucumber supply chain on Sapuka Island, namely the sea cucumber flow; 1) Sapuka Island fishermen-exporters in Makassar, 2) fishermen-collectors in Makassar-exporters in Makassar, 3) fishermen-collectors in Galesong-Exporters in Makassar, 4) fishermen-Sapuka Island collectors-Exporters in Makassar, 5) fishermen-collectors of Sapuka-collectors of Galesong-Exporters in Makassar.

    • Andi Nur Apung MassisengAndiNur ApungMassiseng
    • Awaluddin AwaluddinAwaluddin
    • Mardiana E. FachryMardianaE.Fachry
    • Lukman DarisLukmanDaris
    • Jaya JayaJaya
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 15, No 2, P: 355-366
  • Terms of Trade Fisherman focuses on the income and expenditure of fishermen's families with the aim of seeing the level of fishermen's welfare. The purpose of the study was to see the trend of NTN before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Descriptive quantitative research method with a non-probability sampling method of determining samples and purposive sampling as a sampling technique with a questionnaire as a tool while in-depth interviews. The results of the study were 20 fishermen (before Covid-19) & 22 fishermen (after Covid-19) with NTN < 1, NTN = 1 as many as 3 fishermen (before Covid-19) & 0 fishermen (after Covid-19, NTN > 1 as many as 2 (before Covid-19) & 3 fishermen (after Covid-19). On average, NTN before Covid-19 was 0.6 and 0.5 after Covid-19, meaning fishermen have not been able to meet their primary needs.

    • Maryono MaryonoMaryono
    • Beryaldi AgamBeryaldiAgam
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 15, No 2, P: 389-394
  • Red Tilapia is one of the freshwater fish favored by the community because of its delicious and savory taste and economic value. This study aimed to determine the best effect between stocking density and water discharge on the growth and survival rate of Red Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultured using by recirculation aquaculture system (RAS). The method used in this study was a factorial 2-factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Where the first factor is stocking density with a treatment level of P1 = 1 fish/liter of water, P2 = 4 fish/liter of water, P3= 7 fish/liter of water, and the second factor is water discharge with a treatment level of D1 = 30 ml/second, D2= 40 ml/second, D3= 50 ml/second. The observed variables included growth (total length and total weight) and survival rate (SR). The highest full-length yield was 3.9 cm in the P2D3 treatment (stocking density of 4 birds/liter and 50 ml/second). The highest absolute weight yield was 6.41 grams in the P2D3 treatment (stocking density of 4 fish/liter, water discharge 50 ml/second). Meanwhile, the highest survival rate was 98.15% in the P1D3 treatment (stocking density of 1 fish/liter, water discharge 50 ml/second). The results showed that the interaction between different stocking densities and water discharge did not significantly affect the growth and survival rate of Red Tilapia Fcount < Ftable

    • Arafik LamadiArafikLamadi
    • Mulis MulisMulis
    • Husain UsmanHusainUsman
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 15, No 2, P: 410-419
  • HABs is a term that describes the species of harmful phytoplankton found in the waters. One of the factors triggering its development is the increase in the concentration of nutrient types nitrogen (N) and Posfor (P) is very high. To that end, a study aimed at detecting potentially dangerous types of phytoplankton (HABs) in a water has been conducted in May-July 2021. The waters in question are the coastal waters of the southern part of Makassar (JB) and the coastal waters of Takalar (coastal waters beba = BB, Boddia = BG, and Sanrobone = SB). The waters are waters located on the western coast of the southern part of South Sulawesi.  Enumeration of HABs is performed on samples of water that has been filtered using net plankton. The results showed that as many as 10 potential genera of HABs have been found. The genera in question are Bacteriastrum, Chaetoceros, Nitzschia, and Pseudo-nitzchia of the Bacillariophyceae group, and Ceratium, Dinophysis, Gymnodinium, Peridinium, Prorocentrum, and Protoperidinium of the Dynophycea group. From the results of the proportion test, potentially HABs were found to be lower at about 30.13% when compared to the non-HABs phytoplankton group of about 69.87% based on spatial, and 30.57% versus 69.43% based on temporal.

    • Rahmadi TambaruRahmadiTambaru
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 15, No 2, P: 445-451
  • This research aims to discover the effect of probiotics applications on the production revenue and cost efficiency of catfish culture. This research shows that the application of probiotics on the catfish feed can decrease the amount of FCR value, in which the value of FCR with probiotics is 0.96 within 1.11 without probiotics. This result shows that the best productivity of catfish was obtained by application of probiotics with productivity of 8.4 kg/m2, and R/C Ratio 1.35. Moreover productivity of catfish culture without probiotics application is 7.3 kg/m2 and R/C Ratio 1.18. Then the value of productivity based on unit costs produces a value of Rp. 11,176, - while for ponds without the addition of probiotics in the feed of Rp. 12,709, -Production values costs that must be incurred by farmers to produce 1 kg of catfish are lower in aquaculture that uses feed with probiotics so that profits will increase. These results suggested that the farmers can optimizing the use of probiotics to increase feed efficiency from the catfish rearing business without adding other inputs.

    • Buyung Purnomo WaluyoBuyungPurnomoWaluyo
    • Jefri Putri NugrahaJefriPutriNugraha
    • Ahmad JibrilAhmadJibril
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 15, No 2, P: 453-458
  • Pentingnya peranan Pentahelix Pariwisata untuk pengembangan Desa Wisata menjadi salah satu dasar penelitian ini dilakukan. Dengan mengambil lokasi pada Desa Sawai Kabupaten Maluku Tengah yang merupakan salah satu desa Wisata, diharapkan mampu menghasilkan Model Pentahelix dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata Desa Sawai berbasis Green Tourism Adapun jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode wawancara dan kuisioner dengan aktor Pentahelix yakni Pemerintah, Community, Buinis, Media dan juga Akademisi yang berperan dalam pengembangan Wisata di Desa Sawai. Sehingga pada akhirnya dapat menghasilkan sebuah kajian yang komprehensif dalam membangun Model Pentahelix yang terintegrasi dalam Pengembangan Desa Wisata

    • Novalien Carolina LewaherillaNovalienCarolinaLewaherilla
    • Conchita Valentina LatupapuaConchitaValentinaLatupapua
    • Restia ChristiantyRestiaChristianty
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 15, No 2, P: 459-465
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of price and product quality on the decision to purchase frozen fish products at a store that sells a variety of frozen food products. The research design used in this study uses a quantitative associative method. Based on the results of data analysis that has been carried out in the first hypothesis (H1), which states that price has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, the t-count value of 15,127 is greater than the t-table value, which is 1,667, testing the second hypothesis (H2). Which states that the quality of the product has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions the t-count value is 24,325 greater than the t-table value, which is 1,667, which means that the price and product quality produced have a positive and significant effect on consumer purchasing decisions. While the R-square value obtained is 0.781 which states that the price and product quality variables influence consumer purchasing decisions by 78.10% and the remaining 21.90% are influenced by other variables.

    • Titin EndrawatiTitinEndrawati
    • Deby R. KarundengDebyR.Karundeng
    • Pandu Adi CakranegaraPanduAdiCakranegara
    • Raudya Setya Wismoko PutriRaudyaSetya WismokoPutri
    • Nofirman NofirmanNofirman
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 15, No 2, P: 467-474
  • The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) has been confirmed as pandemic by WHO. Every Country in the world is affected by this disease, including Indonesia. Covid-19 impacts not only public health but also other sectors such as tourism. This study aims to determine the social impact of Covid-19 on the community around mangrove tourism in Bintan Regency which was held from July to November 2022 in Bintan Regency. The analysis used is quantitative descriptive using a Likert scale analysis with attributes in the form of: (1) habits; (2) attitude; and (3) social norms. The results of the study show that there are habits of people who tend to be more aware of the importance of maintaining cleanliness and health. Furthermore, there has also been a change in attitude in the form of a tendency for society to be more careful of new people and to be more introverted. Then changes in norms that developed in society took the form of questioning the timing of activities, making it difficult for guests at gatherings, and increasingly strict reporting of arriving guests.

    • Khairunnisa KhairunnisaKhairunnisa
    • Tetty TettyTetty
    • Angga ReniAnggaReni
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 15, No 2, P: 475-480
  • Marine and fishery development is closely related to coastal development since the majority of the development actors in the fishery and marine sectors are coastal communities. Economic capacity development of an area is an attempt to realize sustainable coastal development. This study aims to elaborate to what extend the community economic capacity development and how the development policies of the government are in supporting the community economic capacity development. The study uses qualitative and quantitative methods (a mixed method). The qualitative method employs data collection techniques in the form of observations, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussion (FGD). The quantitative method applies data collection techniques of structured interviews and a survey technique. Supported by local development policies that have been formulated in the mid-term and long-term development plans, the community-based economic capacity development in the coastal areas of Serang City aims at improving the economic prosperity of the coastal community as well as improving coastal area management. At large, the economic capacity development consists of (1) improvement of human resource capacity, (2) enhancement of economic competitiveness and (3) improvement of economic facilities/infrastructures as the support. The conomic capacity improvement involves full participation of communities and stakeholders who mutually interact, collaborate, and cooperate to enhance each capacity and together they encourage coastal economic improvement.

    • Mirajiani MirajianiMirajiani
    • Asep HamzahAsepHamzah
    • Siti WidiatiSitiWidiati
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 15, No 2, P: 508-515
  • Pencemaran laut merupakan ancaman besar yang dapat memberikan dampak negatif terhadap kegiatan sosial, ekonomi dan budaya manusia. Pencemaran laut disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia yang tidak memperhatikan kesehatan lingkungannya. Pencemaran laut tersebut dapat dicegah dan diminimalisir dengan cara konservasi. Pembentukan karakter anak berbasis konservasi adalah hal yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap keberlanjutan konservasi. Karakter anak dapat dibentuk melalui pendidikan di lingkungan keluarga, rumah dan lingkungan masyarakat. Lingkungan yang paling pertama dan utama dalam membentuk pondasi karakter anak yaitu keluarga. Keluarga memberikan andil yang sangat besar terhadap kekuatan pondasi watak konservasi anak. Dengan begitu perlu kajian terkait manajemen pendidikan karakter anak pada masyarakat pesisir yang juga sebagai pemanfaat langsung sumber daya laut. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan manajemen pendidikan karakter anak berbasis konservasi pada masyarakat pesisir dan mengetahui keefektivan pendidikan karakter anak berbasis konservasi di lingkungan masyarakat pesisir. Mengetahui manajemen dan keefektifan manajemen pendidikan karakter anak di lingkungan keluarga. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan analisis data SPSS 25. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini yaitu pendidikan karakter anak sangat mempengaruhi sikap konservasi anak di Pulau Barrang Lompo. Semakin baik manajemen pendidikan karakter konservasi yang dilakukan oleh keluarga, maka semakin kuat pula sikap konservasi yang dimiliki anak.

    • Muhtazib MuhtazibMuhtazib
    • Khaerul Umam JunaidKhaerulUmamJunaid
    • Muhammad Nur IhsanMuhammadNurIhsan
    • Roswiyanti RoswiyantiRoswiyanti
    • Alpiani AlpianiAlpiani
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 15, No 2, P: 520-526
  • The research aims to determine the role of local community institutions in the management of capture fisheries resources in the coastal area of Maros Regency. The research strategy was a case study on fishing communities in the coastal area of Maros Regency from July 2022 to December 2022. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and document studies. The results showed that; the role of local community institutions in the management of capture fisheries resources, traditional local institutions (punggawa-sawi and nakasa') play a role as resource utilizers and conservationists, while local institutions are formed/modern (Pokmaswas) play a role in (1) conducting supervisory activities in resource utilization and conservation, (2) facilitating and assisting fishing communities in resource management, (3) coordinating resource management, and (4) reporting community activities that have the potential to damage the sustainability of capture fisheries resources.

    • Lukman DarisLukmanDaris
    • Andi Nur Apung MassisengAndiNur ApungMassiseng
    • Rochmady RochmadyRochmady
    Research Article Open Access
    Vol 15, No 2, P: 527-532
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