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Archive of Published Issues: 2025
Front Matter
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Journal URL | https://ejournal.stipwunaraha.ac.id/ISLE |
Title | Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil |
Publisher | Sangia Research Media and Publishing |
Description | Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil (EISSN: 2598-8298) organized by the Center for Coastal and Isles (SCofCI) Indonesia in collaboration with Department of Aquaculture, Wuna Agricultural Sciences University. The Center for Coastal and Isles Research on behalf of Sangia Publishing has a mission to promote the scientific research of coastal and isles scope and all its aspects and disseminate to the public the knowledge gained. Aim and Scope; Manuscripts published in the scope of science; aquaculture, fisheries biotechnology, feed and fish nutrition, marine microbiology, marine aquaculture, fishery technology, fisheries biology, population dynamics, fisheries sensing, fishing, marine ecology, fish ecology. All fields of science in the development of coastal fisheries and small islands (see Aim & Scope). |
Keywords | Akuatikisle; Jurnal Akuakultur; Pesisir; Pulau-Pulau Kecil |
Language(s) | English (en_US) |
Publisher Email | admin@sangia.org |
Copyright | License and Copyright AgreementIn submitting the manuscript to the journal, the authors certify that:
CopyrightAuthors who publish with Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil agree to the following terms:
Please find the rights and licenses in Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil. By submitting the article/manuscript of the article, the author(s) accept this policy. 1. Author’s WarrantiesThe author warrants that the article is original, written by stated author(s), has not been published before, contains no unlawful statements, does not infringe the rights of others, is subject to copyright that is vested exclusively in the author and free of any third party rights, and that any necessary written permissions to quote from other sources have been obtained by the author(s). 2. User RightsAkuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil's spirit is to disseminate articles published are as free as possible. Under the Creative Commons license, Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil permits users to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work for non-commercial purposes only. Users will also need to attribute authors and Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil on distributing works in the journal. 3. Rights of AuthorsAuthors retain all their rights to the published works, such as (but not limited to) the following rights;
4. Co-AuthorshipIf the article was jointly prepared by other authors, any authors submitting the manuscript warrants that he/she has been authorized by all co-authors to be agreed on this copyright and license notice (agreement) on their behalf, and agrees to inform his/her co-authors of the terms of this policy. Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil will not be held liable for anything that may arise due to the author(s) internal dispute. Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil will only communicate with the corresponding author. 5. RoyaltiesThis agreement entitles the author to no royalties or other fees. To such extent as legally permissible, the author waives his or her right to collect royalties relative to the article in respect of any use of the article by Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil. 6. MiscellaneousAkuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil will publish the article (or have it published) in the journal if the article’s editorial process is successfully completed. Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil's editors may modify the article to a style of punctuation, spelling, capitalization, referencing and usage that deems appropriate. The author acknowledges that the article may be published so that it will be publicly accessible and such access will be free of charge for the readers as mentioned in point 3. Licensing for Data PublicationAkuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil use a variety of waivers and licenses, that are specifically designed for and appropriate for the treatment of data:
Other data publishing licenses may be allowed as exceptions (subject to approval by the editor on a case-by-case basis) and should be justified with a written statement from the author, which will be published with the article. Open Data and Software Publishing and SharingThe journal strives to maximize the replicability of the research published in it. Authors are thus required to share all data, code or protocols underlying the research reported in their articles. Exceptions are permitted but have to be justified in a written public statement accompanying the article. Datasets and software should be deposited and permanently archived inappropriate, trusted, general, or domain-specific repositories (please consult http://service.re3data.org and/or software repositories such as GitHub, GitLab, Bioinformatics.org, or equivalent). The associated persistent identifiers (e.g. DOI, or others) of the dataset(s) must be included in the data or software resources section of the article. Reference(s) to datasets and software should also be included in the reference list of the article with DOIs (where available). Where no domain-specific data repository exists, authors should deposit their datasets in a general repository such as ZENODO, Dryad, Dataverse, or others. Small data may also be published as data files or packages supplementary to a research article, however, the authors should prefer in all cases a deposition in data repositories. |