Utilization of local raw materials from South Sorong for nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) feed production in Kokoda, Southwest Papua
This study aims to develop locally sourced, self-produced feed for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Kokoda District, West Papua, to reduce high production costs due to reliance on commercial feed. A survey of local raw materials identified the potential use of sago flour, sembilang fish, shrimp heads, and banana peels as feed ingredients. The feed formulation was designed with a protein content of 31% and tested through proximate analysis and a 42-day growth trial of Nile tilapia using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) compared to commercial feed. Results showed that self-produced feed resulted in lower weight and length growth compared to commercial feed, with higher feed conversion ratio (FCR) efficiency in commercial feed. However, the self-produced feed still demonstrated potential as an economical alternative with nearly equivalent fish survival rates. The study concludes that with further adjustments, self-produced feed can become a sustainable solution for tilapia farmers in remote areas.
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Latest issue Volume 9, Issue 1 (2025)
Featured Content
Patharian Movement Workshop: Development of Environmentally Friendly Crafts as an Effort to Conserve Black coral
Black coral / Antipatharia is one of the colonial marine organisms that has an important ecological role as a habitat provider for various types of animals in the coral reef ecosystem. Currently the existence of black corals has been hunted by coastal communities and sent to various regions in Indonesia and abroad to meet market needs as medicinal ingredients, basic materials for crafts, and amulets. In relation to this, this activity and research was conducted to increase public understanding of the ecological role of black coral for marine ecosystems, provide alternative solutions for the development of environmentally friendly handicrafts as a substitute for accessories made from black coral, and support efforts to develop environmentally friendly handicraft businesses in communities around the Manokwari coastal area. Data collection for workshop activities was carried out in two types, namely: descriptive (data on collaborators and media partners, activity participant data, activity implementation agenda) and qualitative (survey results of general public knowledge related to black coral and evaluation results of workshop activities by participants). The implementation of this workshop was successfully carried out for 2 days on October 22-23, 2021, and was attended by 15 participants consisting of youth groups and mothers. The evaluation results showed a positive response from the participants, where most participants gave fair to very good ratings in the evaluation categories: facilities and accommodation activities, content and presentation of workshop materials, and the structure of the implementation of activities.
Production and decomposition of mangrove litter in the Waters of Kampung Bulang, Tanjungpinang City
The process of litter decomposition plays an important role in producing important nutrients in the food chain and aquatic productivity of mangrove ecosystems. The purpose of this study is to determine the production of mangrove litter and its decomposition based on the density and cover of the mangrove canopy. The research location is in the waters of Bulang village. This research was carried out from June to July 2024. The method used is a systematic random method carried out in 20 sampling points. The research results found five species of mangroves, namely Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera cylindrica, Bruguiera gymnorrizha, Lumnitzera littorea, and Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea. The production of mangrove litter was 11.46 g DW/m² and the highest mangrove decomposition was 55.30%. The overall average density was 1195 individual/ha with medium criteria and the overall average canopy cover was 60.03% with moderate criteria. The results of the correlation test between litter production and canopy density and cover showed a very strong and significant correlation with litter production.
The effect of deacetylation temperature on quality crab chitosan (Portunus pelagicus)
Crab (Portunus pelagucus) is a fishery export commodity, especially to Japan, the European Union and the United States. On the other hand, the crab part, namely the shell, is still not utilized optimally so it becomes waste. To make crab shells valuable, several studies have revealed the presence of useful substances known as chitin and chitosan. Therefore, this research was carried out with the aim of knowing the effect of deacetylation temperature on the quality of chitosan and the optimal deacetylation temperature so as to produce good quality chitosan. Method: This study employs an experimental methodology based on Fully Randomized Design (CRD) analysis. Several deacetylation temperature treatments (00C, 900C, 950C, 1000C, 1050C, 1100C, 1150C, 1200C) were repeated three times in this study's design. Analyses of yield, moisture content, ash content, protein content, and acetyl content serve as test parameters. Result: The results showed that the treatment using different deacetylation temperatures had a very significant effect (Fcount> Ftable 1%) on water content, ash content, protein content, acetyl content and had no significant effect (Fcount> Ftable 5%) on the yield. The optimal deacetylation temperature was 1200C, with a yield of 19.050%, water content of 8.340%, ash content of 0.022%, protein content of 0.198%, and acetyl content of 84.870%. Conclusion: The conclusion based on analysis that the best temperature deacetylation in producing quality chitosan crab is 1200C.
Mangrove litter production In the waters of Los Island, Tanjungpinang city
The mangrove ecosystem is one of the ecosystems that has an important role in Indonesia's coastal areas, one of which is on Los Island. Los Island is located in Senggarang Village, Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands Province. Los Island is a small island with mangrove vegetation around the edges. This research was carried out in March-April 2024. The research location was in the waters of Los Island, Tanjungpinang City. The method used is the direct service method in the field. Determination of sampling locations was carried out using a systematic random sampling method. sampling from members of a population where the first element is selected randomly and the next element is selected systematically based on certain patterns. In sampling litter production, 10 points were taken at a distance of 200 m. Based on the results of the analysis of mangrove litter production, the average value of litter production during the 4 weeks of observation on Los Island, Tanjungpinang City was 38.24 g dry weight/m2. In week 1 the average value of mangrove litter production was 72.12 g dry weight/m2. In week 2 the average value of mangrove litter production was 74.67 g dry weight/m2. In weeks 3 and 4, the average value of mangrove litter production was 72.86 g dry weight/m2 and 93.30 g dry weight/m2. The value of the mangrove decomposition rate is based on the results of the analysis of litter decomposition calculations with an average value in weeks 1 and 2 of 1.78 g/day, in week 3 of 1.70 g/day, and in week 4 a value of 1.87 g/day.
Utilization of local raw materials from South Sorong for nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) feed production in Kokoda, Southwest Papua
This study aims to develop locally sourced, self-produced feed for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Kokoda District, West Papua, to reduce high production costs due to reliance on commercial feed. A survey of local raw materials identified the potential use of sago flour, sembilang fish, shrimp heads, and banana peels as feed ingredients. The feed formulation was designed with a protein content of 31% and tested through proximate analysis and a 42-day growth trial of Nile tilapia using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) compared to commercial feed. Results showed that self-produced feed resulted in lower weight and length growth compared to commercial feed, with higher feed conversion ratio (FCR) efficiency in commercial feed. However, the self-produced feed still demonstrated potential as an economical alternative with nearly equivalent fish survival rates. The study concludes that with further adjustments, self-produced feed can become a sustainable solution for tilapia farmers in remote areas.
Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil
About Akuatikisle
May 2025
Editor-in-chief: Rochmady, Coastal and Small Island Studies Centre, Indonesia
Akuatikisle: Jurnal Pesisir dan Pulau Kecil organized by Sangia Publishing part of Sangia Research Media and Publishing in collaboration with Department of Aquaculture, Wuna Agricultural Sciences University established the Centre for Coastal and Small Island Studies (CSISC) Indonesia. Centre for Coastal and Small Island Studies (CSISC) Indonesia has a mission to promote the scientific research of coastal and isles scope and all its aspects and disseminate to the public the knowledge gained.
Aim and Scope
Manuscripts published in the scope of science; aquaculture, fisheries biotechnology, feed and fish nutrition, marine microbiology, marine aquaculture, fishery technology, fisheries biology, population dynamics, fisheries sensing, fishing, marine ecology, fish ecology. All fields of science in the development of coastal fisheries and small islands (see Aim & Scope).
In one volume of Akuatikisle: Jurnal Pesisir dan Pulau Kecil divided into two editions, which are published in the 1st May and 2nd November each year. Articles are written in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language) OR English. Title and Abstracts must be in English.
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Akuatikisle: Jurnal Pesisir dan Pulau Kecil has been indexed by Indonesian Scientific Journal Database (ISJD), Garuda (Garba Rujukan Digital), Public Knowledge Project (PKP), Indonesia OneSearch (IOS), Scilit MDPI, and OCLC WorldCat. Akuatikisle: Jurnal Pesisir dan Pulau Kecil also recorded in several university libraries as listed in our information for librarians.
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