Muhammad Sabiq

Muhammad  Sabiq

Muhammad Sabiq

Author Profile

Program Studi Sosiologi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Hasanuddin, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

Email: Not available

Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil

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  • The beating of fishermen due to the Covid-19 pandemic does not necessarily damage the Punggawa-Sawi relationship in Beba, Takalar Regency. The obedience of the Sawi people in choosing to stay with the Punggawa must be photographed from a different angle. This relationship can no longer be seen as a relationship of material interests, such as wages. The reason is, the acquisition of material in their relationship in the midst of the pandemic has also fallen sharply. This study aims to identify Punggawa authority and Sawi compliance that can still exist despite being hit by the Covid-19 pandemic and unfavourable conditions. This study uses a qualitative method with case study analysis. Data sources are divided into two categories, namely primary and secondary sources. Data was collected by using in-depth interviews, observation and documentation techniques. Specifically and tactically, the data analysis technique was carried out following the Miles and Huberman model by reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the Punggawa authority which is woven into the Punggawa-Sawi relationship in Beba is obtained traditionally. They are not bound by a set of officially announced rules. Sawi's obedience to the retainer was not solely due to material interests. However, their obedience is based more on the characterization of Punggawa because of his generosity and the existence of a familial or kinship relationship between Punggawa and Sawi. This condition makes the relationship between Punggawa and Sawi very close so that it does not waver even in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    • Arisnawawi ArisnawawiArisnawawi
    • Darmawan SalmanDarmawanSalman
    • Rahmat MuhammadRahmatMuhammad
    • Muhammad SabiqMuhammadSabiq
    Research article Open Access
    Vol 6, No 2, P: 83-88
  • This study examines the traditional local wisdom of the fishing community, North Galesong. This study aims to describe the position of local wisdom in the midst of modernity. This study uses a case study qualitative approach. Data obtained from primary and secondary sources. The data collection technique is done by interview, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the local wisdom of mutual cooperation in the withdrawal of fishing boats in North Galesong has faded since the entry of modernity contamination. The change in the towing of the ship is based on rational considerations related to the effectiveness of work and respect for other community activities. The towing of ships carried out in mutual cooperation is more costly and time consuming. Towing ships using modern tools such as excavators is more efficient.

    • Yudid Srywahyuni SilombaYudidS.Silomba
    • Hasbi HasbiHasbi
    • Rahmat MuhammadRahmatMuhammad
    • Muhammad SabiqMuhammadSabiq
    Research article Open Access
    Vol 7, No 1, P: 9-11