Analysis of suitability and carrying capacity of baronang fish (Siganus sp) cultivation in coastal waters of Maros Regency Siganus sp is one of the leading commodities that have high economic value. Until now, the market demand for Siganus sp continues to increase so that the prospect of its cultivation is very promising. The problem that arises specifically for fishermen in the coastal sub-district of Maros Regency is that there is no data and knowledge about suitable locations for the cultivation of Siganus sp. This study aims to determine the area that is suitable for cultivation of Siganus sp in the coastal district of Maros Regency. Data collection techniques were carried out by literature studies and direct field observations by taking coordinates and measuring oceanographic parameters (temperature, salinity, pH, brightness, dissolved oxygen, depth, current velocity). Water quality data were analyzed by weighting, overlaying and layout using GIS analysis. This research was conducted in the waters of the coastal sub-district of Maros Regency in January-August 2021. The results showed that the location of the suitability of Siganus sp aquaculture waters in the coastal sub-district of Maros Regency obtained suitable waters (S) for the development of Siganus sp cultivation covering an area of 630.36 ha and waters that are not suitable (N) for the development of cultivation Siganus sp covering an area of 681.2 ha. Jaya JayaJayaMuhammad Haritza LaitteMuhammadHaritzaLaitteFebri FebriFebri Research article Open Access 09 Mar 2022 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.6.1.51-56 PDF (1MB) 96 views Abstract 643 views Volume 6, No. 1, P: 51-56
Ecological suitability of mangrove ecosystems as mangrove rehabilitation areas in the Sei Carang estuary waters of Tanjungpinang City The waters of the Sei Carang estuary are water areas that are influenced by tides and have mangrove vegetation along the waters. However, with the conversion of land functions such as bauxite mining and logging activities, the existing mangrove ecosystem is damaged. The purpose of the study was to determine the ecological characteristics of the mangrove ecosystem and to determine the level of ecological suitability of the mangrove ecosystem as a mangrove rehabilitation area in the Sei Carang estuary waters, Tanjungpinang City. This study used a purposive sampling method at 4 stations selected based on land openness and locations that allow for rehabilitation. Parameters in this study include mangrove type, substrate, salinity, tidal type, pH, current velocity, and biota objects. Based on observations, there were 10 types of mangroves found. The results of observations that have been calculated using the mangrove rehabilitation land suitability matrix show that each station can be said to be suitable for the rehabilitation area with the distribution of the suitability value of mangrove rehabilitation land showing a dominant suitability of S1 (Highly Appropriate). Rahima ZakiaRahimaZakiaFebrianti LestariFebriantiLestariSusiana SusianaSusiana Research article Open Access 27 Nov 2022 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.6.2.149-155 PDF (414KB) 62 views Abstract 225 views Volume 6, No. 2, P: 149-155
Analysis of land suitability, carrying capacity, and development strategies for seaweed cultivation in Labakkang District, Pangkep Regency, Indonesia Analysis of land, its carrying capacity and development strategy of seaweed cultivation in Labakkang, Pangkajene Regency. This study attempts to: (1) analyze the suitability of coastal land that appropriate for seaweed cultivation, (2) determine the carrying capacity of the land for seaweed cultivation, (3) formulate strategies and policies that appropriate for seaweed cultivation. This study used biophysical field survey to assess the region, analyze the suitability of the land as well as the carrying capacity of the area by using a geographic information system. Furthermore, the research analyzed the strategy and policy of development of seaweed cultivation with A'WOT analysis approach. The results of the evaluation of the suitability of land for seaweed cultivation in coastal areas showed that Labakkang has potential approximately 1632.876 ha. The area is suitable for seaweed cultivation activities around 1035.54 ha, and unsuitable area around 597.336 ha. For carrying capacity of seaweed cultivation in the coastal area of Labakkang is for 40.55 units. The priority development strategy of seaweed cultivation is strengthening institutions to make a sustainable seaweed cultivation in Labakkang. Mosriula MosriulaMosriula Research article Open Access 28 Nov 2019 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.3.2.81-90 PDF (1MB) 208 views Abstract 676 views Volume 3, No. 2, P: 81-90