Effect of temperature and density on the survival rate of transportation nener milkfish Chanos chanos The study aims to determine the optimum temperature, optimum density and optimum temperature and density interactions in milkfish (Chanos chanos) transportation. This research was conducted in 2016, in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi Province. This study uses a factorial design, consisting of Temperature and Density Factors. The design of the combination treatment of Temperature (A) namely Temperature 15 oC, A2 Temperature 18 oC, A3 Temperature 21 oC. For Density Factor (B), B1 Density of 600 individuals / container, B2 Density of 800 individuals / container, B3 Density of 1,000 individuals / container. The results of analysis of variance at 95% and 99% confidence level, the treatment in this study had no significant effect, where the F count is smaller than the F table. This shows that the combination of temperature and density tested in this study can be used for energy transportation activities for 14 hours. Based on the percentage of graduation of nener life tested in the transportation, starting from the biggest graduation to the smallest life pass, is a combination of 15 oC temperature treatment and a density of 1000 individuals 95.57%, a combination of 18 oC temperature treatment and a density of 800 individuals 95.04 %, a combination of temperature treatment of 21 oC and density of 1000 individuals 91.70%, combination of temperature treatment of 15 oC and density of 800 individuals 90.04%, combination of temperature treatment of 15 oC and density of 600 individuals 89.89%, combination of temperature treatment of 21 oC and a density of 800 individuals 88.67%, a combination of temperature treatment 18 oC and a density of 1000 individuals 88.07%, a combination of temperature treatment 21 oC and a density of 600 individuals 84.33% and a combination of temperature treatment 18 oC and density of 600 individuals 73.28%. Muhammad BakriMuhammadBakriWa Ode NurlinWa OdeNurlinFendi FendiFendi Research article Open Access 12 May 2019 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.3.1.11-16 PDF (827KB) 150 views Abstract 651 views Volume 3, No. 1, P: 11-16
Mapping of fishing area (Euthynnus affinis) GIS based in Bone’s Bay Waters The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between oceanographic factors and the catch of tuna (Euthynnus affinis) and to determine the potential fishing zone (ZPPI) in the waters of the Gulf of Bone. The data collection method is carried out by literature study and field observation study by taking coordinate points and measuring oceanographic parameters. The types of data collected were temperature, salinity, currents, and tuna catches. Data were analyzed using GIS software with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test and ANOVA test. This research was conducted in Bone Bay Waters in October-November 2018. The results showed that the highest catch based on sea surface temperature was in the range of 32°C with a total yield of 1207.5 kg, the highest net based on salinity was in the field of 34‰, namely as much as 836.5 kg, and the highest catch is based on a current speed of 0.04 m/sec, which is as much as 334.5 kg. Based on the ANOVA table, the significance value of the effect of temperature (X1), salinity (X2), and current (X3) simultaneously on the tuna catch (Y) is 0.0425<0.05 and the Fcrit>Ftabel (5.960>4,75) which means that there is a significant effect of oceanographic parameters on the tuna catch. Overlay analysis of oceanographic parameters shows potential areas for Euthynnus affinis is located most of the waters of Sinjai to the south of the Sembilan Island to the outside of Bone Bay. Lukman DarisLukmanDarisJaya JayaJayaAndi Nur Apung MassisengAndiNur ApungMassiseng Research article Open Access 30 Jul 2021 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.5.2.29-34 PDF (624KB) 134 views Abstract 810 views Volume 5, No. 2, P: 29-34