Utilization rate of Yellow and blueback fusilier (Caesio teres) at Mapur waters this fish landing in Kelong village, Bintan coastal, Bintan Regency, Indonesia The Mapur waters contain various kinds of fish caught in one of them is Yellow and blueback fusilier. Yellow and blueback fusilier is one of the catches of high economic vulued. High economic value can certainly boost the Yellow and blueback fusilier and can affect the population. The research was conducted from August 2018 to July 2019 at this fish landing on Kelong Village. The tools used are stationery, cameras and materials used are fish as a research object. The aims of this research was to determine the Maximume Sustainable Yield (MSY), rate and effort of utilization, and the amount allowed to catch (JTB) of Yellow and blueback fusilier in Mapur waters landing this on Kelong Village. This research used survey method with primary data retrieval using live fishermen interviews and secondary data consists of document or literature that supports the research. The result of this research is the potential value of MSY is 787,067 kg/unit whit the optimum effort (f opt) 1.280 unit/ month not over the limit in other words yet overfishing. The utilization rate of Yellow and blueback fusilier 42% medium level overall, and so if increased efforts are still possible to optimize the haul, but still controlled. And amount allowed to catch value Yellow and blueback fusilier is 629.65 kg/unit, that Yellow and blueback fusilier can still be improved for optimal results, but not beyond the determined limits. Rapella DesianiRapellaDesianiSusiana SusianaSusianaFebrianti LestariFebriantiLestari Research article Open Access 07 Nov 2019 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.3.2.49-55 PDF (1MB) 310 views Abstract 1525 views Volume 3, No. 2, P: 49-55
Conditions and pattern of utilization of gonggong snails in Penyengat Island waters, Tanjungpinang Kota District, Riau Islands, Indonesia This study aims to determine the conditions and patterns of utilization of snails in the Penyengat island waters, Riau Island, Indonesia. The method used was purposive sampling of 5 stations with 70 x 2 m quadratic transect for the density of the Gonggong Snail. The results found two types of snail bark species namely Laevistrombus turturella and Strombus urceus with a total density value of 0.114individual per m². The use of snail bark patterns in Penyengat Island waters, namely the size of the catch is medium to large, manual capture techniques (collected by hand), the catching area in the waters of the island is 100-200 m from the beach, the most catches found >100 individuals, season and time of catching snail barks at stinging island waters are not based on season, utilization and distribution of utilization. The snail bark resource is used for consumption and sold to collectors. Raja Wira PradanaRajaWiraPradanaFebrianti LestariFebriantiLestariSusiana SusianaSusiana Research article Open Access 17 Oct 2020 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.4.2.41-46 PDF (485KB) 262 views Abstract 768 views Volume 4, No. 2, P: 41-46
Seagrass community structure in the waters of Terkulai Island, Tanjungpinang City Seagrass ecosystem is a coastal ecosystem where seagrass grows as the dominant vegetation and can live permanently below sea level. Of course, the existence of human activities that do not care about the coastal environment has an impact on changes in seagrass communities in supporting coastal ecosystems. This study aims to determine the structure of the seagrass community in Terkulai Island Waters, Tanjungpinang City, this research was conducted in May 2023. Determination of the sampling point was carried out using the purposive sampling method with 4 stations that have seagrass distribution. Observation of seagrass was carried out using the modified line transect method where the line transect was placed at the starting point where seagrass was found until the end point was not found, the transect placement was chosen based on the longest area of the seagrass stretch and as a benchmark the transect placement was squared 50 x 50 cm then each line transect length was divided by 10% to get the squared distance between transects. The results of the study found 3 types of seagrass in the waters of Terkulai Island namely Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Halophila ovalis. Seagrass Thalassia hemprichiii has the highest density when compared to other seagrass species with density values ranging from 764 to 1928 shoots/m2. If categorized, the value of seagrass cover at each station is included in the medium category. For seagrass biomass the Enhalus acoroides type is larger when compared to other seagrass species. The results of PCA (Principal Component Analysis) showed that seagrass cover was closely related to the environmental parameter characteristics of depth, brightness, salinity. Fatma Chairda YaniFatmaChairdaYaniSusiana SusianaSusianaAditya Hikmat NugrahaAdityaHikmatNugrahaRochmady RochmadyRochmady Research article Open Access 27 Jan 2024 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.8.1.15-20 PDF (1MB) 81 views Abstract 366 views Volume 8, No. 1, P: 15-20
The utilization rate of painted sweetlips fish (Diagramma pictum) on Mapur waters anchor in Kelong Village, Bintan Regency, Indonesia Mapur waters is one of the potential areas for demersal fish distribution in Bintan waters. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effort of catching painted sweetlips fish (Diagramma pictum), Maximum Sustainable Yield of Painted Sweetlips Fish and investigated the amount of Painted Sweetlips Fish catches allowed (JTB). The research method used is the survey method, which is direct observation at the research location by recording fishing operations such as fishing gear and catches through direct interviews with fishermen working in fish storage warehouses. Data taken in the form of primary data and secondary data. The results showed that the effort of catching Painted Sweetlips Fish on Mapur waters was 314.00 units, with the MSY value was 713,016 kg/unit. So that the amount of catch allowed (JTB) is 80% from MSY which is equal to 570.41 kg/unit, with the utilization rate of Painted Sweetlips Fish on which is equal to 89%. Jupitar JupitarJupitarSusiana SusianaSusianaFebrianti LestariFebriantiLestari Research article Open Access 31 May 2020 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.4.1.1-6 PDF (1MB) 265 views Abstract 1146 views Volume 4, No. 1, P: 1-6
Study of suitability waters location for seaweed culture in Muna Regency, Indonesia The research aims to determine the location of cultivation at various levels of suitability and identify physical and chemical conditions in the location of seaweed cultivation in the Muna Regency. The study was conducted in June 2018 in 4 (four) stations which are coastal areas of Muna Regency, namely Marobo Village Marobo District (Station 1), Komba-Komba Village Kabangka District (Station 2), Lasunapa Village Duruka District (Station 3), and Bahari Village Towea District (Station 4). Observation and measurement and sampling were carried out at three different locations, namely observation point 1 (a location that was never planted seaweed), observation point 2 (former location of seaweed cultivation), and observation point 3 (location of seaweed cultivation). The results showed that the location of waters for seaweed cultivation in the Muna Regency consisted of appropriate and less appropriate criteria based on the value of the evaluation results of the suitability of the location of waters for seaweed cultivation. These criteria are scattered at each station's observation points. All physical and chemical parameters of the waters in the land suitability criteria become a limiting factor for seaweed growth, at each observation point that is different at each station. All types of seaweed (algae) can live in the waters of Muna Regency, where seaweed species Eucheuma cottonii, Eucheuma spinosum, and Gracilaria sp. are types that are already common in cultivation, and Eucheuma cottonii and Eucheuma spinosum are types that are already popular in seaweed cultivation activists in Muna Regency Sitti Sasrani Mutrono GufanaSittiSasrani MutronoGufanaFendi FendiFendiKaryawati KaryawatiKaryawatiAbbas SommengAbbasSommeng Research article Open Access 17 Nov 2017 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.1.2.13-24 PDF (1MB) 249 views Abstract 750 views Volume 1, No. 2, P: 13-24
Mapping of fishing area (Euthynnus affinis) GIS based in Bone’s Bay Waters The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between oceanographic factors and the catch of tuna (Euthynnus affinis) and to determine the potential fishing zone (ZPPI) in the waters of the Gulf of Bone. The data collection method is carried out by literature study and field observation study by taking coordinate points and measuring oceanographic parameters. The types of data collected were temperature, salinity, currents, and tuna catches. Data were analyzed using GIS software with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test and ANOVA test. This research was conducted in Bone Bay Waters in October-November 2018. The results showed that the highest catch based on sea surface temperature was in the range of 32°C with a total yield of 1207.5 kg, the highest net based on salinity was in the field of 34‰, namely as much as 836.5 kg, and the highest catch is based on a current speed of 0.04 m/sec, which is as much as 334.5 kg. Based on the ANOVA table, the significance value of the effect of temperature (X1), salinity (X2), and current (X3) simultaneously on the tuna catch (Y) is 0.0425<0.05 and the Fcrit>Ftabel (5.960>4,75) which means that there is a significant effect of oceanographic parameters on the tuna catch. Overlay analysis of oceanographic parameters shows potential areas for Euthynnus affinis is located most of the waters of Sinjai to the south of the Sembilan Island to the outside of Bone Bay. Lukman DarisLukmanDarisJaya JayaJayaAndi Nur Apung MassisengAndiNur ApungMassiseng Research article Open Access 30 Jul 2021 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.5.2.29-34 PDF (624KB) 135 views Abstract 814 views Volume 5, No. 2, P: 29-34
Nutrient distribution models and flow patterns in Coastal Waters and Small Islands, Tanjungpinang City, Indonesia Research has been done on the model of nutrient distribution and current pattern in coastal water of Tanjungpinang City. The research objective was to develop a model of nutrient distribution and current patterns in coastal waters and small islands as an effort to manage the eutofication of coastal waters and small islands in the archipelago. Determining the location of the observations was done by purposive sampling at high tide and low tide at several predetermined research stations. The results showed the nutrient distribution model in the waters of Tanjungpinang Bay, a different distribution pattern compared to the waters of the Dompak Strait, with the distribution of nutrients from the yield model at low tide and at high tide shows the same pattern, which tends to decrease offshore and high in some coastal locations. around the waters of the Sei. Carang estuary which is connected to the waters of Tanjungpinang Bay. The pattern of currents during the highest tide is bandage and full moon in coastal waters and small islands in the area of Tanjungpinang City, which shows that the inlet flows from the west of the waters, then exits towards the north into open water. However, part of the water mass in the presence of small islands around it becomes fragmented causing a turn to the south of the coastal waters of the city of Tanjungpinang, with a maximum current speed of 1.1 m/s. Febrianti LestariFebriantiLestari Research article Open Access 31 May 2020 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.4.1.36-40 PDF (996KB) 121 views Abstract 904 views Volume 4, No. 1, P: 36-40
Environmental management strategy for coastal waters through a dynamic system approach in Tanjungpinang City region, Riau Islands, Indonesia Coastal and small islands are faced with various significant challenges, one of which is the vulnerability to contamination by waste disposal from land and the magnitude of the impact it has on coastal waters. This study presents a framework for formulating environmental management of small island coastal waters from anthropogenic sources of terrestrial land with a system dynamic approach based on the characteristics of physical environmental factors and oceanography of the waters. The purpose of this research is to formulate a strategy for environmental management of the coastal waters of Tanjungpinang City. The results showed that the total magnitude of the waste load originating from anthropogenic sources on the mainland of Tanjungpinang City was 1,073.98 tons/year. The burden of organic waste in Tanjungpinang City is identified from five sources, namely domestic waste from residential areas, hotel and restaurant waste, the food industry, and the agricultural and livestock sectors. The Tanjungpinang coastal waters environmental management strategy with a dynamic system approach is recommended to use an optimistic scenario, but it needs to be supported by several policies in the form of (1) government support to build a community wastewater treatment facility or communal WWTP, (2) increasing community participation and concern for the aquatic environment , and (3) preparing regional strategic plans, specifically in the field of aquatic environmental management in the context of controlling effluent in coastal waters of small islands. Febrianti LestariFebriantiLestari Research article Open Access 24 Nov 2022 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.6.2.141-147 PDF (586KB) 77 views Abstract 261 views Volume 6, No. 2, P: 141-147
Status of mangrove ecosystems in the waters of Senggarang Besar, Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands Province The waters of Senggarang Besar are located in Senggarang Village, Tanjungpinang Kota District. The waters of Senggarang Besar have a fairly large mangrove ecosystem plus many mangrove seedling planting activities in the coastal waters of Senggarang Besar. Mangrove ecosystems have a variety of natural resources that are abundant and diverse. Mangroves are the most potential ecosystems because mangroves support the diversity of flora and fauna in aquatic communities and play a significant role in human survival based on economic, community and environmental perspectives. This study aims to determine the density, canopy cover, and status of mangrove ecosystems in the waters of Senggarang Besar. This research was conducted in September-December 2022 located in the waters of Senggarang Besar Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands Province. Determination of observation stations using direct survey method in the field with 3 station points with 6 plots at each station, based on the presence of mangrove ecosystems. Determination of the retrieval point using purposive sampling method. Mangarove ecosystem species found in the waters of Senggarang Besar Tanjungpinang City Riau Islands Province there are 4 species including: Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Xylocarpus granatum, and Avicenia marina. With density and cover values at station 1, 3900 ind/ha and 81.00%, at station 2, 1433.33 ind/ha and 69.98%, and station 3, 1446.7 ind/ha and 69.08%. The level of damage to the mangrove ecosystem in the waters of Senggarang Besar Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands Province at station 1 includes good, very dense criteria based on KepMen LH No. 201 of 2004. While at stations 2 and 3 the level of damage includes good, moderate criteria based on KepMen LH No. 201 Year 2004. Muzadid SalamMuzadidSalamFebrianti LestariFebriantiLestariSusiana SusianaSusiana Research article Open Access 29 Jan 2023 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.7.1.29-35 PDF (1MB) 45 views Abstract 394 views Volume 7, No. 1, P: 29-35
Mangrove community structure in the waters of the Beladeng River Estuary, Dompak Village, Tanjungpinang The waters of the Beladeng River Muara is one of the areas in the Dompak Tanjungpinang Sub-District which has quite large potential for mangrove ecosystems. To maintain the condition of the mangrove ecosystem, it is necessary to know the structure of the mangrove community itself. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of mangroves and the structure of the mangrove community which includes the level of species density, species frequency, species closure, importance value index and mangrove canopy cover in the waters of the Beladeng River estuary, Dompak Tanjungpinang Village. This research was conducted in April-December 2022 using the Purposive Sampling method with 3 stations. In observing the mangrove ecosystem using the Transect Line Plot method measuring 10x10 m2. Based on the results of the study, there were 3 types of mangroves found, namely Rhizophora apiculata, Xylocarpus granatum, and Brugueira gymnorhiza. Meanwhile, the mangrove community structure obtained the highest density at station 3 with a value of 4733.34 ind/ha. At station 1, the types of Rhizophora apiculata and Xylocarpus granatum received the same frequency values, and the highest IVI was achieved by Xylocarpus granatum. At station 2 the highest species frequency values were found in 2 species, namely Xylocarpus granatum and Rhizophora apiculata, and the highest IVI was Rhizhopora apiculata. For station 3, the 3 types of mangroves got the same type frequency value, and the highest IVI was achieved by Rhizophora apiculata. Meanwhile, the highest percentage of mangrove canopy cover was found at station 1 with good and very dense categories. Zulfi ArdiansyahZulfiArdiansyahSusiana SusianaSusianaDedy KurniawanDedyKurniawan Research article Open Access 30 Jan 2023 Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.7.1.37-43 PDF (1MB) 80 views Abstract 382 views Volume 7, No. 1, P: 37-43